
Friday, March 02, 2012


Two stories being reported in the media this morning highlight the information war you are engaged in, whether you want it or not.

1) The first story is a report on Sky News about possible vote rigging in Russia this weekend.
A Sky News investigation has revealed claims that thousands of government workers are being promised payment to fraudulently cast multiple votes for Vladimir Putin in Russia's presidential election.

[source : Russian Election: Workers 'Paid To Vote Putin', Sky News, 02/03/2012]

Two elements of this story need addressing so that we can assess its truth and bias.

First, the election monitor Golos is mentioned as 'independent'. But it is not independent. It is financed by The National Endowment for Democracy, and was caught last year whoring itself to the NED, by claiming voting irregularities in return for financial rewards.

Second, a woman named as Lilia Shevtsova is interviewed. She says,
"Everybody says among the civic centres, pollsters, among the analysts that this election will be much more rigged than the previous one," said political analyst Lilia Shevtsova.

"This election means the destiny, the future for Putin so they will do everything - they will use all the gimmicks, all the tricks, all the pressure - all the administrative resource, bribery and corruption in order to get through the first round."

So who is Shevtsova? She works for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. This organisation is one of the major globalist think tanks, i.e. propaganda units. Its current President is a member of Bilderberg, CFR and Trilateral Commission, and high up in the Rockefeller apparatus. Shevtsova is the Russian citizen who has attended Bilderberg the most, and frequently writes in The Bilderberg Washington Post against Putin.

Putin is quoted in the Sky News report as predicting such vote rigging and attributing it to the NED-sponsored opposition.
"Our opponents are getting ready to use certain mechanisms that would prove that the election has been falsified. They will stuff the ballot boxes themselves, observe this and then report on it."

2) The second story is about Baba Amr in Homs reported on Russia Today. An "eyewitness" called Galina, so perhaps not a resident, is interviewed claiming that the rebels have destroyed water and energy supplies, are sniping at anyone, and are robbing and chopping civilians up into bits.
Galina says people in Homs support the Assad government and want “the revolution” to be over.

[source : Self-appointed revolutionaries shooting people in the streets – Homs eyewitness, RT, 02/03/2012]

A question we have to ask about Homs is that only Baba Amr appears to have been under "siege", as Western media have reported it. But Homs consists of several suburbs, one of which is Baba Amr. So what about the other suburbs? Have there been rebellions in those suburbs also? I can find no reports of similar rebellions elsewhere in Homs. But is that because the residents of Homs in general support the current Syrian government? If they supported the rebellion they would have rushed to Baba Amr and joined the rebellion there, wouldn't they, throwing Molotov Cocktails and stones at the Syrian military? Apparently they did not. So perhaps there is some truth to what Gallina says about Homs, that "people in Homs support the Assad government.".

So who do you believe?

This is just one small part of the information war today. The information war occured yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before that. And it will go on tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. It is a vast planet-wide war requiring discernment. At stake is your life. The protagonists of the current warmongering want the population of the world vastly reduced, down to somewhere between a half and one billion. Those deemed worthy of life will be microchipped, will have no freedom and will be policed by a brutal paramilitary force with the powers to arrest, detain, torture and kill without evidence. The NDAA forms the basis for this.

Good luck!

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