
Thursday, March 01, 2012


Press TV is reporting two subtle developments regarding Iran.

1) the bar for war on Iran has been lowered from possession of a nuclear weapon to "having nuclear weapons capability".
[source : US makes abrupt volte face on Iran, PressTV, 01/03/2012]

2) MeK/MKO could be taken off the US list of foreign terrorist organizations if they relocate to Liberty Camp outside Baghdad, Iraq, and the USA will help them to move!
[source : US hints at way for MKO to get off terrorism list, PressTV, 01/03/2012]

LPAC are claiming that if were not for The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey and the support he has had from inside the US military we would have been at war with Iran by now and a nuclear war may well have occured.
All of our lives are hanging, literally, by a silken thread. If the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and a series of other American military officers had not argued vehemently against a military attack on Iran, the greater part of humanity would have been lost, already now, in a global thermonuclear war.

The reason for this threat of war does not lie in the alleged atomic weapons program of Iran, about which all the national intelligence services in the U.S. National Intelligence Directorate agreed, in their official National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), has not existed since 2003. The fundamental reason lies much more in the fact that the financial system of the entire trans-Atlantic world is hopelessly bankrupt. This British Empire — the so-called system of globalization — is currently carrying out a drive to the very edge of the nuclear abyss, in order to force Russia and China to their knees, to make them abandon their sovereignty and their high technology-oriented economic policies.

[source : International Day of Action: Stop World War III, LPAC, 01/03/2012]

Dempsey and his like-minded officers, not just in the USA but everywhere in the world, need to avoid an Israeli strike on Iran, whether it is supported or not, overtly or covertly.

Dempsey's efforts have had an effect on them. Gaddafi held them up too. Such efforts are bringing to the attention of the sleepwalking public the contradiction that the powers of the West are working with the very terrorists that we are being told to be terrified of so we give up all our rights.

Clintonella de Vil is forced to state on BBC that the USA is working with al Qaeda in Syria!

It is working.

Now the MeK/MKO are being assisted by the USA to move to Iraq so that the USA can take them off their terrorist list, so that I assume much more overt assistance can be given to the "new freedom fighters" to provoke Iran into war.

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