
Sunday, March 25, 2012


This is a news report on the publication of The Transfer Agreement on, obviously, the transfer agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists. Unfortunately it does not state how mamy Jews took up the offer to move to Palestine, but it was about 10% of German Jews. This was also at a time that Palestine was still under British control, so the whole scheme was a collaboration between the British, the Nazis and the Zionists.

If more Jews had took up the offer to transfer to Palestine it is possible that the Holocaust may not have happened. But when you read some of the writings of the leading Zionists at the time they were perfectly happy for the old and the sick to die so that Israel could rise from their ashes.

Anyway, Israel did rise from their ashes, after many Jews were at first sceptical of the transfer fearing the anger it would cause but after the Holocaust global Jewry had been persuaded that a Jewish homeland in Palestine was the only safe haven for them from a cruel and harsh world.

This has since led to all the war and terror in and originating from the Middle East.

And of course, the mother of all inside jobs, 9/11.

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