
Monday, March 26, 2012


Dodgy Dave has been forced by Rupert Murdoch to reveal information about his dinner parties. I am not surprised by anything this guy does anymore. He serves the banks, not the British people.

Here is the list of Dodgy Dave's Dinner Donors who gave more than £50k (donations in brackets).

July 14, 2010: A “thank-you dinner” inside Number 10 itself, while flat was being refurbished.

Anthony and Carole Bamford (£101,249) (and a further £2,425,066 from their JCB Ltd)
Michael and Dorothy Hintze (£1,453,280, and a further £2,500,000 in loans)
Murdoch and Elsa Maclennan (£33,925) (for Telegraph Media Group)
Lord John and Lady Sainsbury (£910,000)
Andrew Feldman (£84,270 through company Jayroma)
Jill and Paul Ruddock (£20,000)
Mike and Jenny Farmer (£2,641,046)
Michael and Clara Freeman (£325,400)

February 28, 2011: Downing Street flat

David Rowland and his wife. (£4,420,515.52)
Andrew Feldman also attended (as above)

November 2, 2011: Downing Street flat. Described as a “social dinner for strong and long term supporters of the party, with whom the PM has a strong relationship”.

Henry and Dorothy Angest (£9,950) (and £110,093 from Arbuthnot Banking Group plc)
Michael Farmer and wife (£2,641,046, as above)
Ian Taylor and wife (£50,000)

February 27, 2012: Downing Street flat. Said to have been a “social dinner”.

Michael Spencer and partner (£304,989.59) (and a further £3,637,642 from their IPGL Ltd

[source : DOWNING STREET DINING CAMERON'S DONORS GACE £19 MILLION TO TORIES, Political Scrapbook,, 26/03/2012]

This is an astonishing amount to get from a very small number of people. The Tories cry that Labour gets a shed load from the Unions. Yes, they do. But the Tories get more, and the donations are from Unions, i.e. basically lots of very small donations from hundreds of thousands of hard working British taxpayers who are sick of being mugged off, not very large donations from a small number of individuals.

And they got to dine with Dodgy Dave.

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