
Monday, April 30, 2012


The Syrian al Qaeda rebs attacked a bank in Damascus with a RPG.

I'll repeat that again.

The Syrian al Qaeda rebs attacked a bank in Damascus with a RPG.

An armed terrorist group attacked the Central Bank of Syria at al-Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus with an RPG round, causing only minor material damage.

Another armed terrorist group attacked a rescue patrol with an RPG round near Ibin al-Nafees Hospital in Rikneddin area in Damascus, injuring four policemen. The patrol returned fire and pursued the terrorists.

Workers in the Central Bank organized a sit-in within the bank in condemnation of the terrorist attack, affirming unity in the face of the conspiracy targeting Syria and that such cowardly terrorist acts will not undermine their determination and resilience.

[source : Terrorists Attack Central Bank, Police Patrol with RPG Rounds, SANA,, 30/04/2012]

This is not the first time they have used RPGs.

Where would the Syrian al Qaeda rebs get their RPGs from? Here is a report on the contents of the ship, Lutfallah II, bound for Lebanon from Libya that was recently searched by the Lebanese Navy.
“The ship and the weapons shipments funders are two Syrian business men living in Saudi Arabia, and the ship’s owner is of Syrian nationality, and the Captain is Syrian as well, and all of them are from the Syrian opposition”..

...As for the weapons seized:
- Light arms: Machine guns of war.
- Medium weapons: 12.7 Machine guns and Rocket-Propelled grenades.
- Heavy weapons: 120mm Mortars
- Two types of rockets: Anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft missiles carried on shoulders..
All those weapons came with their full ammunition.

[source : Who Funded the Arms Bound for Syria?, Friends of Syria,, 30/04/2012]

At a recent Friends of Syrian Terrorists meeting Saudi Arabia and Qatar gave the Syrian al Qaeda rebs $100 million.

So the Syrian opposition based in Saudi Arabia (where the 9/11 hijackers came from allegedly) financed a ship from al Qaeda controlled-Libya with a load of weapons from Libya to smuggle to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs via Lebanon.

Where is the condemnation from Dodgy Dave?

Where is the condemnation from William Hague?

Where is the condemnation from Hillary Clinton?

Where is the condemnation from Ban Ki Moon?

Where is the condemnation from Kofi Annan?

All that these people want is war.

But they want us to fight the wars.

Just like they want us to kill ourselves to 'save the planet'.

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