
Thursday, May 03, 2012


The spectre of The Butcher of Baghdad Tony Blair returning to British politics is being raised. If anyone can summon the demons of darkness then Tony Blair can, and will, gladly.

Lest we forget, he took us into war in Iraq in 2003. Estimates vary but we can be sure that a lot of innocent blood was spilled because of Blair's manipulations.

And lest we also forget, Iraq was the first country named on the seven-nations-in-five-years plan revealed to General Wesely Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11. Clark was first told, just days after the inside job 9/11, that there was going to be war on Iraq, even though the dust had barely settled after the WTC 1,2 and 7 had been brought down by controlled demolition, and no evidence could be found or manufactured to implicate Iraq.

At the time fingers pointed at members of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) who had earlier written of their desire to go on a global warmongering rampage in Rebuilding America's Defenses but recognised the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to persuade the general American public to support such warmongering morally, financially and politically.

Remember all the bullshit about yellowcake? And Operation Mason and Dr David Kelly? And everything else?

9/11 was an inside job.

It gave the warmongers the "new Pearl Harbor" they needed to go on their global warmongering rampage.

The war on Iraq continued into Lebanon and Libya. During his statements to the Chilcot Inquiry Blair demanded war on Iran. Iran is also named by PNAC and on the seven-nations-in-five-years list. Also on that list is Syria. Somalia and Sudan, who have very recently been brought to our attention, are also on that list.

The warmongering continues, and it focused on those nations named on that list of seven-nations-in-five-years.

Blair helped to kick it all off in Iraq.

But the warmongering is stalling.

Blair will summon whatever demons of darkness are required to get WW3 started, wherever, whenever.

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