
Friday, April 06, 2012


A former producer at Al Jazeera, who resigned earlier this year in protest at the bias shown by that MI6 media outlet, has stated that Al Jazeera makes stuff up about Syria, withholds a lot of facts about Syria and bigs the Syrian al Qaeda rebs up.

"The facts are totally different with the reports in the media (Al Jazeera), extremely different," Reuters quoted Moussa Ahmed, a former producer for Al-Jazeera's Beirut Bureau, as saying on Wednesday.

Ahmed said the channel concealed many facts, with editors' opinions becoming the so-called facts, adding, “I'm so sorry that we concealed facts for so long a time.”

Ahmed is one of the five Al-Jazeera employees in Lebanon who resigned from the TV station over the channel's biased stand on Syria in the middle of March.

Al-Jazeera is also accused of blowing the opposition movement in Syria out of proportion and covering up the truth in the country.

It is widely believed that the Emir of Qatar has a direct influence on the nature of programs broadcast in Al-Jazeera.

[source : Al-Jazzeera fabricates stories on Syria: former producer, PressTV,, 06/04/2012]

I wonder, does the Emir of Qatar have tiger feet?

That's neat.
That's neat.
That's neat.
That's neat.
I really love your tiger feet.

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