
Friday, April 06, 2012


It has been confirmed to me by confidential sources that the following people do not have tiger feet.

The Friends of Syria.
The Syrian al Qaeda rebs, and the NATO and Arab League Special Forces who are assisting them.
The Libyan al Qaeda rebs, and the NATO and Arab League Special Forces who assisted them.
William Hague.
Clintonella deVil.
David Rockefeller.
Henry Kissinger.
Dodgy Dave Cameron.
Lord Jacob Rothschild.
The whole Federal Reserve hierarchy.
The Zionist hierarchy.
The NATO hierarchy.
The Bilderberg hierarchy.
The King and most of the ruling family of Saudi Arabia.
The King of Bahrain.
The engineers and executioners of the mother of all inside jobs, 9/11, that provided the 'new Pearl Harbor' to terrorise the American public into supporting starting world war 3.
Most of the British Monarchy.

These people do not, repeat not, have tiger feet. They are corrupt, and are terrorists and/or are hell bent on starting a nuclear world war 3 with Russia and/or China hoping to destroy most of the world's population in one way or another, because they think that most of us are scum, and believe that we, including their own children, should be virtual slaves and should be physically and/or psychologically and/or sexually abused and then sacrificed to their dark lord Satan to save Planet Earth.

And that, my friends, is the sad, soulless opposite of having tiger feet.

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