
Monday, April 02, 2012


The Daily Telegraph is reporting that traitors to the human race run the government.
Not only is Mr Osborne in charge of economic policy – the Coalition’s existential purpose –he also effectively runs the Conservatives’ political strategy, and much else besides, often chairing the twice-daily No 10 meetings that effectively run the Coaltion’s day-to-day operations.

[source : Analysis: Tories fret over George Osborne's driving role, The Daily Telegraph,, 01/04/2012]

I saw this fact in an article by Peter Oborne, I think, a few months ago.

It is not David Cameron who runs the government. It is in fact George Osborne.

It has been reported that David Cameron attended a Bilderberg meeting in 2008, but maybe that is to yet to be confirmed. But what is not beyond doubt is that he defended Bilderberg saying that it had no sinister agenda and that if it had then he would want to be there.

What is also beyond doubt is that George Osborne has attended Bilderberg several times. You do not get invited to Bilderberg meetings several times unless the steering commmittee is convinced of your allegiance to them and their sinister agenda and not the nation you were elected to serve (if you are an elected politician like Osborne).

So there you have it.

Osborne (attendee to multiple Bilderberg meetings) runs the government that Cameron (probable Bilderberg attendee but definite supporter of Bilderberg) allegedly runs with a warmongering Foreign Secretary (confirmed Bilderberg attendee) trying to overthrow multiple governments in the Middle East and risking a nuclear World War 3 in the process.

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