
Friday, March 30, 2012


The whole point of UN SCR 1973 was the "Responsibility to Protect" civilians.

Instead, NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libyan civilians to death to pave a clear and unobstructed path for the Libyan al Qaeda rebs leading directly into the heart of Tripoli resulting in the assassination of Gaddafi by "someone" in Sirte.

So why did NATO not save 72 refugees drifting in boat fleeing the war that NATO deliberately created?

I guess the R2P applies to al Qaeda only, or R2PAQ.

Migrants left to die after catalogue of failures, says report into boat tragedy

Council of Europe investigator says deaths of migrants adrift in Mediterranean exposes double standards in valuing human life

A catalogue of failures by Nato warships and European coastguards led to the deaths of dozens of migrants left adrift at sea, according to a damning official report into the fate of a refugee boat in the Mediterranean whose distress calls went unanswered for days.

A nine-month investigation by the Council of Europe – the continent's 47-nation human rights watchdog, which oversees the European court of human rights – has unearthed human and institutional failings that condemned the boat's occupants to their fate.

[source : Migrants left to die after catalogue of failures, says report into boat tragedy, The Guardian,, 28/03/2012]

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