
Monday, February 18, 2013


The Bulgarian Foreign Minister is to present evidence to the EU this week that Hezbollah executed the bombing of a bus in Burgas, Bulgaria last July.

The evidence is flimsy at best.

The real identities of the suspects are still unknown, and no names have been provided. So how can Bulgaria blame Hezbollah? Because forged licences were printed on a printer somehow traced to Lebanon, and apparently there was a small increase in phone calls between Bulgaria and Lebanon in the days before the bombing.

And that is about it!

This kind of 'evidence' could be very easily fabricated.

And is it not highly suspicious that within hours of the bombing Benjamin Netanyahu had convicted Iran and Hezbollah and suggested that we must bomb Iran because the bombers were on their way to London to bomb the Olympic Games?

So why would Hezbollah bomb Jews in Bulgaria? Now that is a tough question. Hezbollah would have nothing to gain by bombing a few Jews in Bulgaria. Some 'experts' have suggested that Iran through Hezbollah retaliated to the blatant assassinations by Israel of Iranian nuclear scientists. But Bulgaria is one of a handful of nations who have formally recognised Palestine as a state. And by bombing in Bulgaria, inside the EU, this would give Israel the perfect opportunity to demand sanctions against Hezbollah, maybe a freeze on Hezbollah's assets in Europe.

Here is what Haaretz is reporting.
DNA samples of his [the suspected suicide bomber on the bus] were sent to several Western intelligence agencies but none of them could find a match to anyone in their records. The only clue that connected him to the terrorists who survived and fled was a SIM card and a forged Canadian driver’s license that were found in a small town on the Bulgarian-Romanian border. The items, which belonged to a cell member who got away, had DNA traces that were very similar to the DNA of the suicide terrorist. The forged driver’s licenses that all three of them carried yielded the most significant smoking gun, since with the help of foreign intelligence sources the Bulgarians managed to locate the printer that had produced the forged documents − and it wasn’t in Canada or in the United States, but in Lebanon.

...The investigation found that there was an increase in the number of calls between Burgas and Lebanon in the days that preceded the attack, among them several suspicious calls that were apparently between the cell members and Hezbollah officials.

[source : Bulgaria to reveal how it traced Hezbollah to deadly attack on Israeli tourists in Burgas, Haaretz,, Haaretz]

So here it appears as though the bomber's DNA is not recognised, and somehow the printer used for the creation of forged driver's licences was traced to Lebanon!

This excerpt from a report in The Washington Post just about sums the situation up.
Three men are suspected in the attack, including the bomber.

The latter’s identity has not been established. The names of the two other suspects, believed to still be alive, have not been made public.

The European Union, of which Bulgaria is a member, which regards Hezbollah as a legitimate political organization and has resisted calls to blacklist the group or declare it a terrorist organization.

[source : Hezbollah says no comment on Bulgarian report blaming it for killing Israelis in July, WP,, 16th February 2013]

So here is the WP basically saying the identities of the suspects are unknown, or if they are known then for some strange reason they are not being released, thus giving the suspects chance to escape! And the EU currently considers Hezbollah a legitimate political organisation.

So that is it. That is the strongest evidence that Bulgaria has to convict Hezbollah. Forged licences printed by a printer in Lebanon, dodgy unknown DNA and a few phone calls between Bulgaria and Lebanon.


And what is more suspicious about how the Bulgarian Foreign Minister concluded that Hezbollah was behind the Burgas bombing is his relationship with the USA. Mladenov's Wikipedia page lists that he went to Kings College London to gain a MA in War Studies, and later ran Soros' Open Society in Bulgaria. He then joined The World Bank. He has since developed deep links between the USA and Bulgaria. He stinks of an insider; pro-European integration, pro-USA.

But would Israel bomb a bus in Bulgaria to blame Hezbollah to frame Hezbollah, to get it blacklisted so that its assets in Europe were taken?

I can name two very high profile events from which Israel benefited but is the prime suspect.

The first is the inside job 9/11. Francesco Cossiga stated in 2007 that most of the world's intelligence agencies know that Israel with the USA itself did 9/11. Jews died on 9/11.

The second is the assassination of Rafik Hariri in Beirut in February 2005.

Both of these apparently unconnected events are actually joined at the hip. This is because 9/11 was executed to implement a plan laid out in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses, two documents written by the same cabal of Zionutters. General Wesley Clark was told shortly after the inside job 9/11 that there would be war and regime change in seven nations in five years. Those seven nations were Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Iran. The war in Lebanon occured in 2006. It was a war contrived by Israel, as admitted by Olmert. But before this war The Special Tribunal for Lebanon first accused Syria of the assassination of Hariri, which led to The Cedar Revolution and the withdrawal by Syria from Lebanon. The evidence against Syria was later found to be a load of bollocks. So the STL blamed Hezbollah and said that it would present the evidence. Over TWO YEARS LATER and that evidence has not been presented. However Hezbollah has presented evidence that it claims implicates Israel. That evidence consists of hacked communications from Israeli drones flying illegally over Beirut tracking Hariri's movements.

Every event in the Middle East and North Africa on and since 11th September 2001 is due to Israeli aggression. Israel was created by Zionists, themselves traumatised by the Holocaust, terrorising nearly a million Palestinians off their farms and lands. Terror is in the DNA of Zionism.

I am deeply deeply sceptical that Hezbollah was behind Burgas. Hezbollah had everything to lose, while Israel had everything to gain...and has form.

And the 'evidence' is very poor at best and could be easily fabricated.


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