
Sunday, February 17, 2013


Argo has been the 'surprise' winner of film awards this season. The film is based in Iran around the time of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, and is directed by Ben Affleck. The film has been made and released at a very curious time. Iran has been the ultimate target of Israeli aggression for decades. Israel, with the assistance of the USA and Saudi Arabia, did 9/11 to implement a plan that had been proposed in two documents, A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses, and revealed to General Wesley Clark when he was told shortly after the inside job 9/11 that the USA would wage war and regime change on seven nations in five years. Those seven nations were:
Iraq (2003)
Lebanon (2006)
Libya (2011)
Syria (ongoing through NATO proxy terrorist scum supplied by Saudi Arabia)

Clark was told this in late 2001. It is now early 2013, and of those seven nations only two have had their governments changed, Iraq and Libya. Lebanon was dragged into a small war in 2006. But by 2007 this plan was moribund, so as revealed by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection the true Axis-of-Evil, the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel, had reached an agreement that Saudi Arabia would unleash vicious cutthroat Jihadis onto Libya and Syria. In 2011 NATO twisted UN SCR 1973 out of all recognition and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed a clear and unobstructed path for these Jihadis all the way into Tripoli to illegally kill Gaddafi, having first trained and advised them in the battlefield through special forces of Qatar, UK and France. Those same Jihadis were then transported to Turkey to attack Syria in a proxy covert war.

The heroes of 2012, the Syrian military, have so far been successful in stopping these cutthroat Jihadis from toppling Assad. However, Syria is weakened and may well be unable to assist Iran should a war on Iran begin.

But it looks like the 'people' who dreamed up this plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years and kicked it all off via the inside job 9/11 are going to see it through. War on Iran is the plan. So it is no surprise that a film portraying Iran as a huge threat to the USA has been made and released at this time.

But can you remember what other film Ben Affleck is associated with that I think helped to prepare America to go to war after 9/11? Affleck was one of the stars of Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor. There had already been one film, Tora! Tora! Tora!, made about the Japanese attack on the US port in Hawaii in 1941, an attack that could have been stopped. Pearl Harbor claimed to be historically accurate, but it wasn't, and I found some curious coincidences with numbers and symbolism in that film. I believe that Pearl Harbor was made to remind the USA of a surprise attack and what could be done about it, to prepare the American public for that transformation of society as proposed in Rebuilding America's Defenses which suggested that "a new Pearl Harbor" was needed to convince the American public to wage simultaneous wars across the globe.

Is it just 'coincidence' that Affleck has directed this anti-Iran film at a time when the Establishment through the Zionist entity is desperate to start war on Iran?

And just how accurate is Argo? Apparently not very. One of the characters in the film, the Canadian Ambassador to Iran at the time of the revolution, has criticised the accuracy of the film.
Former Canadian Ambassador to Iran Ken Taylor has heavily criticized the anti-Iran American film Argo, saying that the screenwriter has “no idea what he's talking about."

“The amusing side is the script writer (Chris Terrio) in Hollywood had no idea what he's talking about,” Taylor said during an audience with Ryerson University students in Toronto on Thursday, CBC reports.

...Political analysts say Argo unmasks the elaborate US scheme to employ every medium in its propaganda apparatus to incite Iranophobia across the globe.

Observers have further lashed out at the director of Argo for portraying a stereotyped and caricatured view of the Iranian society and noted that Affleck has consciously sought to ridicule the very customs and traditions of Iran.

In mid-January, Iran announced plans to mount a big cinematic project on the 1979 US embassy incident to give a true image of the historical event distorted in Argo.

[source : ‘Argo’ writer has no idea what he's talking about: Ex-Canada envoy, Press TV,, 17th February 2013]

So we have Affleck, who starred in the historically inaccurate but very emotional Pearl Harbor with lots of symbolism, now directing a historically inaccurate anti-Iran film when war on Iran is the ultimate plan, and that film is the 'surprise' winner of award after award after award.




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