
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Berezovsky's house is being searched by highly trained officers in nuclear materials as a "precaution".

Police have cordoned off the 67-year-old's home while police, including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) trained officers, conduct a number of searches as a precaution, Thames Valley Police said.

[source : Police experts in material search home of exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, who was found dead in his Berkshire home yesterday, The Independent,, 24th March 2013]

Yet every article I have read on the death of Berezovsky has quoted friend and family as saying there was nothing suspicious about his death. Some expressed concern that he was losing contact with them, had debts, was selling paintings and begging for money for a ticket, was a broken man and complained of ill health.


Perhaps the following provides a clue?

First, a Wikileaks entry about smuggling of nuclear material through London.

Russian authorities in London had known about and followed individuals moving radioactive substances into the city but were told by the British that they were under control before the poisoning took place.

[source :]

Second, reports of mysterious objects up Litvinenko's arse that have never been mentioned again.

The poison used to attack the former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko remained unknown last night as doctors searching for a radioactive toxin focused their efforts on pieces of "dense matter" found in his intestines.

The team treating Mr Litvinenko at University College Hospital in central London believe the defector must have knowingly swallowed the three pieces of material which have become lodged in his colon.

X-rays have shown that two of the items are of a similar size to a 2p coin and the other is the shape of a figure "8", according to a hospital source. But it is not yet known whether the three items are linked to Mr Litvinenko's illness, which has left him without a functioning immune system, due to the failure of his bone marrow, and liver damage. Tests are being carried out to identify the pieces of material.

[source : Doctors treating poisoned Russian focus on objects in his colon, The Independent,, Accessed 23/06/2012, original article published 23rd November 2006]

And what has happened to Berezovsky's fortune? A multi-billionaire reduced to begging?

And many reports quote friends and family that he was not the type to commit suicide, and we can believe that. The man was ruthless, and had the BBC and The Guardian at his disposal in order to cause a revolution in Russia against Putin, given a whole Question Time show to rubbish Putin and interviews by The Guardian for the same purpose.

If Litvinenko was an MI6 agent then so was Berezovsky.

So I believe that he either died of natural causes, or was given Rommel's Choice before his appearance at the inquest of the radioactive Russian traitor Alexander Litvinenko.

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