
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Of course they would.

A brief view of the NATO media of Great Britain is beginning to show a set number of features.

A friend of Berezovsky said tonight that his family was 'devastated', adding that she did not believe his death to be suspicious.

Sasha Nerozina told Sky News: 'It is shocking, terrible news. It is not something you expect. He was full of life and love.'

The businessman had been left 'demoralised' by losing his high-profile legal battle with Abramovich, as he had expected to win, she added.

However, Berezovsky was 'looking forward to adventures to come' and was so busy with work that he hardly slept, according to Ms Nerozina.

'Boris cannot be dead - it is almost incredible to put those words together,' she said. 'We expected him to outlive us all.'

While he had feared for his life in the past, he had no such worries in his final months, said Ms Nerozina.

'There is nothing to be suspicious about, as far as I understand', she told Sky News.

[source : Another Kremlin enemy dies: Exiled Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky found dead in bath at Berkshire house after 'losing all his millions', The Daily Mail,, 23rd March 2013]
So a close friend says he had "no worries".

Other reports suggest that several court cases he had lost (I wonder why?) had led him to have massive debts. But Berezovsky was reported to be a dollar billionaire, while his lost court cases, including the recent Abramovich case, totalled tens of millions of pounds. In other words, he owed a hundred or so millions of pounds but was a multi-billionaire!

Yet it is being alleged that Berezovsky committed suicide due to debts!?




Litvinenko and the desire to keep evidence of the alleged murder of that radioactive Russian traitor from the public, as the British government are doing by claiming national security, had something to do with this.

A few years ago a Wikileaks entry uggested that there was an international operation involving the smuggling of nuclear material through London. The Russian authorities informed London, who told Russia that it was under control.
Russian authorities in London had known about and followed individuals moving radioactive substances into the city but were told by the British that they were under control before the poisoning took place.

[source :]

One recalls the highly suspicious and as yet undiscredited claims of several objects up Litvinenko's arse.

I hereby, with 100% confidence, propose that Litvinenko and Berezovsky were smuggling nuclear material through London, that something went wrong up Litvinenko's arse, that Litvinenko and co claimed Putin did it, that the British authorities knew this (as they know they are supporting nasty cutthroat Jihadis in Syria) and decided to terminate Berezovky forthwith with extreme predujice to protect their arses before he had chance to give evidence at the highly politicised inquest into Litvinenko's death before he could spill the nuclear smuggling beanz.

British men and British women. Your cruel government, based in the old Venetian slave-trading oligarchy has usurped the throne of this once beautiful nation and is endeavouring to use you to create a horrific and tyrannical world government that would gladly kill of 90% of the current world's human population and enslave the remaining 10% for their diabolical purposes; slavery, sex-slavery, etc.

Arise and kick these lying and manipulating scummy bastards in the nuts!

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