
Monday, June 03, 2013


The Daily Mail has published an article on the original Woolwich hoax video. It was made by a Muslim student group at London Metropolitan University just hours after Drummer Lee Rigby was horrifically butchered.

And look at the aspects of 'the hoax' that it addresses:
fake blood,
women not looking traumatised,
no blood on the butchers hands,
fake blood,
Masonic coppers.
An Islamic Society at one of Britain's largest universities has promoted a video claiming the execution of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich was a hoax cooked up by the state, it was revealed today.

Hours after the death of the soldier, 25, a Muslim student group at London Metropolitan University (LMU) circulated a YouTube film arguing the crime was manufactured using 'fake blood'.

The six minute video called 'Woolwich false flag b*******. Masses are in a state-sponsored trance', has been viewed by 300,000 people, and says that Scotland Yard detectives investigating the murder were Freemasons who were in on an anti-Muslim conspiracy.

The film even claims that traumatised witnesses were in on a hoax, taunting those who tried to comfort Drummer Rigby as he lay dying by saying: 'These women look very traumatised lol (laugh out loud).'

...The video shows news coverage on the day of Lee Rigby's death, including his alleged killers covered in blood and holding weapons.

Over the pictures are subtitles, arguing his death was a conspiracy, including one asking: 'Where is the blood on his hands that is seen on most of the other videos?'.

As a reporter describes the scene in Woolwich the film says: 'Now add some fake blood and a fake media whore (reporter) talking s***, stating the obvious just in case you don’t get it and we got the made up news lol.'

It later says: 'I need proof and not fabricated ‘bs’ (b*******).'

It then cuts to a police officer telling the public to 'move back'.

The subtitles then say: 'Yes listen to the masonic copper, move back before you film anything incriminating against their false flag charade.'

...A witness then describes what he saw, and the subtitles say: 'Makes sense to you? Sounds staged to me!!!... are you buying this?'.

The film's maker then goes on to pinpoint areas where fake blood was smeared by conspirators.

[source : 'These women seem very traumatised LOL': Sickening video circulated by university extremists claims Lee Rigby murder was a hoax, The Daily Mail,, 3rd June 2013]

This was then taken up by some websites who blatantly doctored some photographs to imply that there was no blood on the footpath when video filmed at the time of the killing showed the butcher actually walking through it! Then those websites were pushed by others who are trusted by some but not by me.

The Daily Mail's reaction says it all. If David Icke had pushed this hoax just before he announced his effort to start a news channel then that news channel would have been seriously ridiculed and have no credibility before it even started. People would have been so sickened that they may not donate to get the project off the ground in the first place.


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