
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


During the 1920's a German veteran of WW1 called Adolf Hitler began to take control over the German Workers Party, and eventually succeeded in taking control over Germany and then most of Europe. He completely lost the plot (through amphetamines) and invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa, and the Nazi Wehrmacht, considered invincible, was vanquished. On the Nazi Western front the Allies landed at Normandy and pushed onward to Berlin. My grandfathers were in that push, and came back psychologically broken men but in different ways: one lived life like there was no tomorrow and left his wife (my grandmother) for a series of younger women; the other fell into a German-hating depression.

They went to war against Nazi Germany believing that they were fighting the greatest evil to have ever visited this FUBAR planet. Little did they know that Nazi Germany was essentially created by Wall Street and The City of London. As has been reported in several news articles this last fortnight, Montagu Norman, the then Governor of the Bank of England, assisted Hjalmar Schacht in the implementation of Nazi Fascism in Germany (the two were close friends), and by handing over to the Nazis gold that was owned by countries annexed by Hitler that Norman should not have handed over. Nazi Germany also received incredible assistance from Wall Street, particularly in technology, which enabled the Nazis to rapidly build a nation and a military prepared for a long war, but other assistance included eugenics research facilities.

After WW2 the world believed that the evil of Nazism was dead, that it had been banished for all eternity. A few members of the Nazi hierarchy were executed. But the rumours began: Hitler did not kill himself and escaped to South America; the dental records of the scorched corpse alleged to be Hitler did not match those of Hitler's.

It has been proposed that Martin Bormann established a network of corporations that would propagate Nazism post-WW2. IG Farben, the "state within a state", is possibly one such corporation, formed by the amalgamation of several corporations, it was simply broken up again after WW2 back into its constituents, some of which are now pushing GM which is destroying the environment and our food supply.

The EU was created by Bilderberg, which in turn was founded by the Nazi and IG Farben employee Prince Bernhard, who also founded the World Wildlife Fund with Prince Philip who wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to contribute to human depopulation (though apparently not yet).

We see this Fascism in The Liverpool Care Pathway, akin to the Nazi T4 program.

We see this Fascism in privately-owned banks being bailed out with trillions, the state and corporations, hand in hand for the benefit of the corporations.

We see this Fascism in the DFQ's ridiculed Workfare scheme, in which corporations would 'employ' a benefit claimant and therefore gain any benefit from that work, but the state would pay the 'wage', i.e. the 'employees 'benefits'.

I spy with my little eye something beginning with F (and it's not fun).

The following video explores how the European Union is a continuation of Nazism.

The NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the THE EU and their influence today (embedding sadly disabled)

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