
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Miley Cyrus is, wittingly or unwittingly, a tool of the Satanists who run this FUBAR planet by engineering world wars for the establishment of a tyrannical world government that they would control to implement rapid and vast human depopulation, the survivors policed by a brutal paramilitary police force utilising autonomous killer robots.

There have been a string of female acts designed to introduce this moral decay, I believe starting with Madonna (such an obvious name to use), then The Spice Girls, moving onto Britney Spears (who so publicly blew up when she rebelled against her programming), then Lady Gaga, and the baton has now been passed onto Rihanna and Miley Cyrus. These 'musicians' are held up as beacons of artistic light by a satanically corrupted media, when in reality all they offer is the darkness of The Prince of Darkness, with so much dark symbolism in their videos that it is physically revulsive to view them.

Miley Cyrus was the star of the teen series Hannah Montana, such a sweet, joyful girl full of fun and love. My friend's daughters adored her, and a few years ago I reluctantly bought them some Hannah Montana merchandise for a birthday present (I think), suspecting that Cyrus would turn out the way she has. The purpose of such celebrities is to bring young impressionable girls over to the dark side, by first tricking your daughter to associate with a character like Hannah Montana (which parents would not object to) and then over a period of time transform the real life person into a projection of the dark side.

The 'song' that Cyrus has reached Number One with is We Can't Stop. The video for the 'song' is sadly available on YouTube and has had over 134 million views!

This is in contrast to the banning of some Alex Jones videos.

Cyrus parades in a top with the word Dope on it, makes reference to drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy, and states with her friends that they are going to party all night long and do and say what they want. There are also frequent scenes involving hints of lesbianism of some kind. This is curious because Cyrus is engaged to marry Liam Hemsworth (unless that is a total sham). If Cyrus is not a lesbian then why does she promote lesbianism? Because homosexuality is part of the Satanic agenda : to twist human sexuality until paedophilia is normal: for human depopulation (children do not result from homosexual sex) ; for using sex for recreation only (which is why sperm counts are going down due to pollution) while children are created in test tubes, but only for the select few whose DNA has been checked out and believed to produce the kind of children that the all powerful state/world government wants and/or needs, e.g. unintelligent but good looking boys and girls as sex slaves.

In short, Cyrus, the 'song' and the video are a symptom of the moral decay that is gnawing at the heart of this Disunited Fascist Queendom (DFQ).

And as for Rihanna, The Princess of the Illuminati, the less said about her the better. See for details.

When I was growing up pop videos consisted of the solo artist or the band playing their music, sometimes with an innocent story being played out. Today's pop videos are bordering on soft porn and are riddled with Satanic symbolism.

I find this Gaga/Cyrus/Rihanna/JayZ/West/Kardashian clique very, very creepy.

Our ancestors did not fight in World War 1 and World War 2 for this, did they?

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