
Monday, November 11, 2013


Whenever I hear or read the word art I think of Monet, Goya, Chopin, Shostakovich, Puccini, Owen. Some might call this high art. If this is high art, then what is low art?

For low art we need look no further than Miley Cyrus, who at the recent MTV awards in Amsterdam groped a latex-clad dwarf, and apparently lit up a joint live on stage. Sadly, she also won the Best Video category for her single Wrecking Ball. All that the video featured was Cyrus virtually naked swinging backing and forth on a wrecking ball and doing some rather strange things with a sledgehammer...and that's about it.

Is it arty enough to be even called low art?

She is featured in The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Guardian and The Independent.

From sweet Hannah Montana to dwarf-groping joint-smoking twerker.

Is a violation of the Trade Description Act to call her an artist? But what's sadder is that young people actually seem to like her. All she does is push sex and drugs.

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