
Sunday, November 10, 2013


Zac Goldmsith MP recently married into the Rothschild banking family, and by the Rothschild banking family I mean THE Rothschild banking family. His wife is a direct descendant of the Nathan Mayer Rothschild who was sent to London and made the Rothschild fortune by financing Wellington, and pretending that Wellington had lost at Waterloo when he knew that in fact Wellington had won. This scam caused a mini crash on the London Stock Market and Rothschild's agents bought up the devalued stocks at bargain basement prices. Rothschild's bank NM Rothschild was THE bank for gold bullion in London, and still rules OK.

The interview of Goldsmith by Keiser is at

And what a friendly interview it was.

They had a good gab about a number of topics; green issues, democracy (or lack thereof).

And one Russell Brand!

Poor Russell. His potential brother-in-law really had it in for him. And Keiser can only get Brand on The Keiser Report to allow him to respond.

Just what Goldsmith, or indeed Keiser, intended to get out of the show, I don't know. Who approached whom? Was he expecting to get slaughtered by Keiser? Or was it arranged that the two will henceforth be on each other's christmas card list?

It was a very friendly slap-on-the-back interview by one, who I assume wishes the total destruction of THE Rothschild banking family, of the other, who just married into THE Rothschild banking family.


So if anyone who lives in Goldsmith's constituency can get onto him and ask him what he expected to get out of the show and why, then do so. He seemed to push the idea of more contact between MPs and their constituents, and I think by law he must respond, but only to his constituents.

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