
Sunday, November 24, 2013


Alan Power claims his life is in danger and that he is being harassed for writing a book which accuses MI6 and SAS of murdering Diana, the People's Princess.
Writer Alan Power spotted one of his pursuers walking up the long, private driveway of his remote home on the Isle of Man.

He confronted the man who said he was looking for a pet store. Then the stranger walked off to meet two other men in a car.

He believes the men were ­harassing him because of his ­sensational claims in his book, The Princess Diana Conspiracy, The Evidence Of Murder.

...“I noticed people tailing me when I took the ferry to the mainland to get my car looked at in July. One sat next to me and the other sat behind me during the crossing. They made it pretty obvious they were tailing me.

“The same thing happened on the way back with other men making it clear they were keeping a close eye on me. One kept flexing his muscles.

...“I have had death threats before and after publishing the book but I didn’t take them too seriously. This was different. I am pretty sure some security services ­people came over to the island just to make a point, to let me know they are monitoring me.”

[source : Princess Diana conspiracy expert, Alan Power, is 'in danger', The Sunday Express,, 24th November 2013]

He could be making it up to increase sales.

Or they really could be harassing him.

We have to ask:
1. why are we allowed to watch all kinds of warporn, tortureporn and porn, yet we can't watch Keith Allen's film on the death of Diana, Unlwaful Killing?
2. why did it take 10 years to establish an inquiry into the death of the mother of the future King of England?
3. why is there so much occult symbolism in her death?

Readers will know that I believe that Diana was murdered, and that she was murdered because she was about to marry and have children with a Muslim just a few years before 9/11. I ask, would there have been such a rush to war after 9/11 had Diana (a) had children with a Muslim, (b) exerted her influence over Bush like she had with Clinton?

Diana was a danger to the agenda. She was preparing to go public on the royal family, and to create a massive bridge between the west and Islam just before 9/11.

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