
Sunday, November 24, 2013


An agreement was reached with Iran early this morning over its nuclear program. Iran will suspend further enrichment in return for less sanctions.

A deal was torpedoed last week by France, to the obvious wild joy of Israel.

Since then we have seen a declaration of war by the Zios on Obama; The Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI) released a video attacking Obama's competence over the roll out of Obamacare, linking this to the very wise decision not to bomb Syria.

Obama has now taken that wisdom and applied it to Iran. The response from the ZioPNAC crowd has been predictable: fury; anger; outrage; and even more fury.

Very modern history, and by that I mean the last 15 years or so, has been dominated by the Zionists and their bloodthirsty monster The Project for a New American Century (PNAC). PNAC was sadly foisted upon this world by William Kristol in 1998, who later sadly foisted upon this world the ECI. With this latter move Kristol unwittingly proved that 9/11 was an inside Ziojob. The very first thing that PNAC did was to write to then President Bill Clinton demanding war on Iraq. A year before 9/11 PNAC published their prophetic Rebuilding America's Defenses, which called for "a new Pearl Harbor" to launch a series of wars across the globe to assert US hegemony. Although there was a list of nations named explicitly, the two nations that stood out for special treatment were Iraq and Iran, with Iran alleged to be more of a threat to the USA than Iraq.

PNAC was dominated by Israel-firsters, whose allegiance to the USA came second to their allegiance to Israel. The fact that Kristol later formed the ECI with other PNACers says it all. The policies pursued by the USA after the inside Ziojob 9/11 were suggested by a crowd of Zionutters who had written another bloodthirsty document called A Clean Break, which proposed a clean break with peace and to 'engage', i.e. start war on, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria.

So, which nations have been attacked since 9/11? SURPRISE! Iraq. Then Lebanon. Syria was supposed to have been attacked last year after the false flag of al Houla. But despite tons of diplomatic pressure, and a few Ziolies, Obama wisely refused to bomb Syria following a false flag at Ghouta.

And now there is peace with Iran. For now.

The reaction from the ECI/PNACers is clear.
Statement by Noah Pollak, Executive Director of the Emergency Committee for Israel, on the agreement with Iran just concluded in Geneva:

"The Geneva Agreement is a defeat for the United States and the West. It fails to uphold even the minimum demand of repeated U.N. Security Council resolutions that Iran must stop enriching uranium. For the next six months, the centrifuges will not be dismantled and will continue to spin, uranium will be enriched, the 20 percent enriched uranium will stay in Iran, and a reactor designed to produce bomb-ready plutonium will remain just months away from completion. Iran will continue its march to nuclear weapons, with perhaps a brief pause in some parts of the program -- but it will be a pause that refreshes, since Iran will be rewarded right away with significant sanctions relief, with the additional likelihood that the rest of the sanctions regime will begin to crumble.

"Congress should make clear that it does not support this deal. Congress should make clear that just because the Obama administration seems to have taken all our options off the table, our allies need not follow us down this futile path of accommodating the Iranian regime's nuclear ambitions. In particular, Congress should make clear the United States will support Israel if Israel decides she must act to prevent a regime dedicated to her destruction from acquiring the means to do so."

[source : ECI Statement on the Geneva Agreement, ECI,, 24th November 2013]

Kristol simply compares Iran to Nazi Germany, by quoting verbatim the speech that Winston Churchill gave to The Marsten House after the Munich Agreement:
In light of the Geneva Agreement, I went back to read Winston Churchill's October 5, 1938, speech in the House of Commons on the Munich Agreement. Here are a few highlights:

"I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat. ..."

[source : 75 Years Ago, Weekly Standard,, 24th November 2013]

Iran is pursuing a peaceful civilian nuclear power program. No proof has been provided to the contrary. All we get from Israel are paranoid rants, the paranoia caused by the Holocaust that their very own Rothschild and Warburg families engineered because world Jewry well understood what would happen if Jews colonised Palestine, so they didn't want to go, despite financial inducements from the Warburgs. So the Rothschilds and Warburgs created Hitler to scare world Jewry into going to Palestine. The Nazis didn't kill six million Jews, but they definitely killed a lot, a million, two at the most, but it was all with the nod from the Rothschilds and Warburgs. The result was world Jewry terrorising and murdering Palestinians into the world's largest refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank, and wars and and global terror ever since that are now being used to implement universal surveillance, and if the USA and/or Israel attack Syria and/or Iran, then the resulting WW3 would lead to a total world government, which is what I think Israel was created to provoke.

Israel is screaming "bad deal":
Top Israeli ministers harshly criticized the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers early Sunday, with Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman saying the agreement had shifted the status quo in the Middle East.

“This brings us to a new reality in the whole Middle East, including the Saudis. This isn’t just our worry,” he told Israel Radio. “We’ve found ourselves in a completely new situation.”

When asked if this would lead to an Israeli military strike on Iran, Liberman said Israel “would need to make different decisions.”

[source : Israeli ministers lambaste ‘delusional’ Iran nuclear deal, Times of Israel,, 24th November 2013]

And lest we forget; Israel has a massive stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological WMDs which nobody talks about, and Israel is not a signatory to any treaty regarding these.

If the ZioPNAC/ECI/Israelis are furious then this is good news.

Perhaps there really is something in the Truth Serum Report of the Year 2012:
Some of the same high-level sources who point to Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama's re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.

[source : Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11, PressTV,, 21st September 2012]

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