
Saturday, November 02, 2013


Another weekend, another bash of Russell Brand.

Poor Russell, a working class boy who done good in a good way. Brand's Wikipedia page states that he was sexually abused as a child, that his mother contracted cancer while he was growing up and that his father took him to visit prostitutes. This led Brand to indulge in drug abuse.

Unless you have a fortune such as the Rothschilds then we all need to make a living. Brand chose his path in entertainment, has stuck at it, written a few books, appeared in a few films, and has now bought a house in LA. Along the way he has had a gerzillion girlfriends, married then divorced another entertainment celebrity, but in the last few years has displayed the characteristics of something of an awakening, and could be called an Ickeist.

Listen to Brand here talk about the divide-and-conquer tactic which is employed by the ruling class to exploit us. It is typical leftspeak. But Brand adds a certain spiritual element that clearly comes from David Icke.

The queue to hack at Brand is long. Last week it was the turn of bloodthirsty Zionist warmonger Nick Cohen in the controlled-left The Guardian.

Today is the turn of Quentin Letts.

Letts' lot in life is privileged: a posh first name; independent school; University reading literature; career in journalism, specialising as a theatre critic.

But let's face it (pun intended); Letts absolutely fucking hates Ed Miliband!

Letts' attack on Miliband after Miliband pressed the pause button on WW3 betrays his inner warmonger. There was some disappointment and dismay in Letts' writings after The Marsten House at last showed some backbone and voted not to bomb Syrian children to bits (instead leaving that bloody task to Cameron's Cutthroats).

The vast majority of Letts' articles in The Daily Mail attack Miliband with a passion, an obsession, and something approaching a sociopathic hatred. In fact, if you read Letts' articles in one long session like I did this morning (how sad am I?), instead of one per week like we normally suffer, you begin to fear for the safety of Ed Miliband!!

So, why has Letts this week decided not to dedicate his weekend telling us just how much he hates Ed Miliband, and instead focus his hatred of all things not ruling class on Russell Brand?

I think Letts must secretly fancy Brand.

I think Letts has joined the queue to bash Brand just so he has an excuse to go see him in the flesh.

Perhaps Letts likes a bit of rough? (Letts does call Brand 'grubby').

For what reason would the privileged independent-school educated, erudite Letts have to go see working-class Brand?

Letts went to see Brand perform in Cambridge and reports that Brand made a joke about having sex with cats, swore a lot, and talked about sex a lot.


Brand's 'a geezer', Quentin! Didn't you know that? That is Brand Brand.

Letts then twists Brand's words to imply that Brand (a Vegan) called for violent revolution.
He called for ‘spiritual revolution’ and urged Britain to ‘revolt in whatever way we want, with the spontaneity of the London rioters, with the certainty and willingness to die of religious fundamentalists, or with the twinkling mischief of the trickster. We should include everyone, judging no one, without harming anyone’.

In one breath he wants suicidal fundamentalism; in the next he wants no one to be harmed. This is dangerous rabble-rousing, and it is plain deluded twaddle.

[source : A revolutionary messiah? Who does this grubby darling of the Left think he's kidding?, The Daily Mail,, 2nd November 2013]

Dangerous rabble-rousing?!

Brand did not call for suicidal fundamentalism, but for people to be prepared to die for their beliefs in a nonviolent but passionate way. In case Letts has not noticed, our police, the people who are supposed to protect us from criminals, are being armed to the teeth, and are slowly being turned into a paramilitary force to be used against us in times of mass protest against the system. The more frequent use of tasers, allegedly 'nonlethal', is leading to more deaths. Now, imagine a peaceful protestor who is sat in a street outside the Israeli Embassy in London protesting yet another Israeli war on Gaza, the policeman gets his taser out, and...ZAP!...resulting in one fried DEAD peaceful protestor. This is what Brand is calling for; not for violent riots in the streets but peaceful protests with passion and love (at least I hope he is).

I have not read any of Brand's books, or seen any of his films or shows. I did not like the childish episode involving Andrew Sachs and other curious events involving Brand, but from what I have heard and seen I would rather hear more of Brand than condescending Letts or warmonger Cohen.

I think Brand is fast approaching a fork (and not one wielded by Letts). It is one where he decides to ditch the cheap showbiz and develop this very public awakening, or be renowned and remembered as an attention-seeking sex-addicted, loudmouth champagne-socialist geezer. The two personas are incompatible. The media are referring to it already.

Brand has the charisma, is gaining the conspiracy knowledge and spirituality, and has the 'fan base' to cause that revolution he demands of others.

And it is terrifying the shit out of the establishment. Hence the continuing ritual media slaughter of Russell Brand. This week's guest executioner, Quentin Letts.

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