
Friday, November 01, 2013


In reporting the lunatic attack by Israel on Syria, The Guardian states:
Since the civil war in Syria began in March 2011, Israel has carefully avoided taking sides, but has struck shipments of missiles inside Syria at least twice this year.

[source : Israel strikes Russian weapons shipment in Syria, The Guardian,, 1st November 2013]

Israel has carefully avoided taking sides?!

The whole series of wars in The Middle East and North Africa is due to Israel...and the mother of all inside Ziojobs 9/11 kicked it all off!

For 9/11, Saudi Arabia provided the patsies, Israeli agents in the US government arranged for the US military to go AWOL, and something like what was suggested in Operation Northwoods, which was written in 1962 by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to provide a pretext for war on Cuba, occured.

Afghanistan was invaded to get the opium harvest back to record levels, not to get Osama bin Laden who was already dead from Marfan Syndrome.

And after that it has been purely the A Clean Break/PNAC/Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda, which was revealed to General Wesley Clark.

And people trust The Guardian/Greenwald/Snowden circus, particularly when other NSA whistleblowers have risked their lives and revealed the scale of NSA snooping...EVEN ON OBAMA HIMSELF...and they have been ignored!

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