
Sunday, December 01, 2013


It's always the same kind of cars.

If there is a queue for a roundabout, with two approaching lanes, the left to turn left or go straight on, and the right to turn right, and there is a biq queue in the left lane, it's always the same kind of car that flies up the right lane and nearly causes a crash as it goes straight on.

Similarly, if there are two lanes at a set of traffic lights, one to turn left or go straight on, and the right to turn right, and there is a long queue in the left hand lane, then it is usually the same kind of car that stops about a half car length in front of you in the right hand lane, with its engine on high revs, that tries to accelerate rapidly to go straight on, again risking a crash.

If there is a long queue at a set of traffic lights and there is an empty bus lane running along side, then it is usually the same kind of car that drives all the way along the bus lane with its indicator signalling left, but it never turns left.

If there is a Pick Up zone at the supermarket, right outside the entrance, it's always the same kind of car that is parked there for ages while its unaccompanied driver does his/her shopping.

If the traffic is busy, and someone wants to turn right, driving across at least one lane of traffic, then it is usually the same kind of car that can't wait for a gap, just pulls out, risking a crash, to stop all traffic so that they can pull out.

If the traffic is congested on the motorway, and you leave a gap between yourself and the car in front, then it is usually the same kind of car that quickly swaps lanes without indicating to fill the gap in front of you, causing you to slam on your brakes.

I'm sure you can think many more similar scenarios.

The kind of cars I am talking about are:
high powered sports cars, like Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes;
boy racers not in BMWs but still high powered versions of, for example, a Honda.

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