
Sunday, December 01, 2013


This relates to the paragraph in Which Path To Persia? in either one of two ways.

1. Israel is trying to find, or will fabricate, evidence that Iran is violating the peace deal, thus giving the pretext for war on Iran;
2. there is acting no going on, there really is an attempt to find some kind of peace in the Middle East to the fury of Israel, and Israel is trying to sabotage the deal with Iran.

They didn't do 9/11 for nothing. There is no way that both Assad will be left in power, and Iran still have a peaceful civilian nuclear power program. The whole point of 9/11, from Israel's point of view, was to remove Assad and destroy Iran's nuclear power program. I suspect others decided to use it as an opportunity to provoke WW3.

But let's face it. The mother of all inside Ziojobs 9/11 was a grand failure. There was a very ambitious plan behind it; war on seven nations in five years. It took nearly two years before Iraq was taken out. A war on Hezbollah failed. So they unleashed a plague of cutthroat Jihadis onto Libya, and then Syria. So now, 12 years after 9/11, only 2 of the targets have been taken out; Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi.

Hezbollah is stronger from defeating Israel in 2006.

Despite nearly 3 years of covert invasion by Saudi-backed cutthroat Jihadis, Assad is still in power, and arguably in an even more powerful position with Syrians backing him in his war against al Qaeda in Syria.

Sudan and Somalia have yet to be attacked in a war, though Sudan has been attacked by Israel a few times, and there is a European military force and the occasional US covert ops force operating along the coast of Somalia.

And now there is a deal of some kind with Iran.

Would you call that success?

A list of 7 targets in 5 years, and after 12 years only 2 have been taken out?

9/11 was an inside job too far, rather like Operation Market Garden. The plan was ambitious, but it has failed spectacularly.

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