
Thursday, December 19, 2013


At the time of Lee Rigby's murder there was a sick attempt to lead us to believe that his death was a hoax, that somehow the many residents in the area didn't see the lights and cameras and film crews being transported in to film the scenes in which Rigby is attacked with a rubber knife and bleeds ketchup, or the scene in which the murderers charge at the police like in the final scene of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman.

If Lee Rigby did not die that day in the way we were told then he is playing the cruelest hoax not only on this nation but more importantly on his distraught grieving mother. But the hoaxers will say, "Ah, perhaps his mother is in on it too?"

What a bunch of sickos!

Here is Rigby's mother being interviewed by ITV.

Are those real tears from a grieving mother?


The unreported facts about this horrific case are that at the time of Rigby's murder:
1. Adebalajo was under surveillance by MI5 suspected of being an Islamic extremist
2. Adebalajo was openly preaching on the streets of Woolwich asking Muslims to go to Syria to join the Jihad against Assad.

You see, in this fucked-up country, it's OK to encourage violence and slaughter of the innocents if it suits British foreign policy. And even better, as in this case, if it suits domestic policy too! For a few months now we have been told that we must cede our privacy and rights because of al Qaeda. And yes, that's the same al Qaeda that we created and was run by Osama bin Laden who had a mansion in Wembley and trained with MI6. We have been warned that British Jihadis who are currently fighting in Syria against the Syrian Arab Army will one day soon return to Great Britain and continue the Jihad on British streets. Hmm. I wonder how many of those Jihadis were inspired by Adebalajo or other extremist preachers on the 'watch' list of MI5, who allowed the preachers to preach Jihad in Syria because the Syrian Arab Army is wiping the floor with those Jihadis there now and more are needed to be the new gimps for Israel?

This really is one fucked-up mugged-off country!


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