
Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The Guardian has mocked believers in The Bavarian Illuminati.

Why do this now is not clear to me.

The piece mocks those who believe that The Illuminati exists and controls the world. According to The Guardian The Illuminati is,
...a shadowy conspiracy that has existed since the dawn of time, secretly pulling the strings of every major organisation in the world. It manipulates finances and dictates policy so as to usher in a terrifying new world order.

[source : The Illuminati: the secret society pulling the strings of every major organisation in the world, The Guardian,, 18th December 2013]

The piece references as evidence for this shadowy conspiracy,
Lindsay Lohan's tattoos. Or Lady Gaga's videos. Or that hand thing that Jay Z does. Or the way Barack Obama shakes hands with the pope...Especially the Guardian. What are all those articles about quinoa for, if not to deliberately make it too expensive for Bolivians and further the rise of McDonald's, which is also part of the Illuminati,

The piece is immature. The Illuminati really did exist. Their documents were full of really evil stuff. They wanted to takeover the world with something similar to Communism. The Bavarian authorities banned them and warned every government in Europe of their activities.

But their leader is alleged to have found sanctuary in the House of Saxe-Gotha. Readers will note that the British Royal Family began to be referred to as Windsor only during WW1. Before this they were Saxe-Gotha-Coburg.

The piece references pop stars such as Jay Z and Lady Gaga. But it does not refer to Rihanna, who is the proclaimed Princess of The Illuminati.

The piece mocks the idea that there is a group who "manipulates finances and dictates policy". But there exists such a group. They created and own The Federal Reserve. Before this they created and owned The Bank of England. Their banks create money out of thin air while we work our arses off just to put crumbs on the table. They run organisations like Bilderberg, The Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission to vet politicians and leaders. They attend sick ceremonies at which mock human sacrifices occur in front of a huge stone owl called Moloch, an ancient deity to whom children were sacrificed.

It is these families who created Hitler, financed his eugenics policies, gave Nazi Germany the military technology to build his Wehrmacht and collaborated with him in building Auschwitz. But they also created Soviet Russia. All this is in the excellent books of Professor Antony C Sutton and Webster Tarpley.

But above all they financed the two attempts at world government; first The League of Nations, which failed, and then The United Nations, which has survived and is growing in strength and influence but is not yet a totalitarian world government. But a WW3, one that could occur over Syria and/or Iran, would provoke calls for all national sovereignty to be ceded to the UN.

In short, they can create trillions out of thin air, to buy this corporation or influence that political body. They engineer world wars. They finance world governments.

This is provable fact, and is not to be mocked.

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