
Sunday, January 26, 2014


This blog will kill 2 birds with 1 stone, and as usual the birds are in The Guardian/Observer.

First, OMFG!!

Tony Blair now blames all the violence in the Middle East on extremism.
The last weeks have seen a ghastly roll call of terror attacks in the obvious places: Syria, Libya, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Pakistan.

…The fact is that, though of course there are individual grievances or reasons for the violence in each country, there is one thing self-evidently in common: the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of faith. But there is no doubt that those who commit the violence often do so by reference to their faith and the sectarian nature of the conflict is a sectarianism based on religion. There is no doubt either that this phenomenon is growing, not abating.

[source : Tony Blair, Religious difference, not ideology, will fuel this century's epic battles, The Guardian,, 25th January 2014]

Blair talks about religion, in particular Islam, but does not mention one particular political ideology masquerading as a religion that has fuelled and is fuelling a lot of the violence in the Middle East. And that political ideology is Zionism.

It was Zionism that in 1996 produced A Clean Break, calling for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon (Blair explicitly names 3 of these in his first sentence!).

It was Zionism that formed The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) in 1998, whose first action was to write to then President Bill Clinton demanding war on Iraq, and who in September 2000 published Rebuilding America’s Defenses in which PNAC proposed a bloody global warmongering rampage, specifically targeting Iraq and Iran, but also recognizing the need for “a new Pearl Harbor” to terrorise the American people into supporting such warmongering.

That new Pearl Harbor was (the inside Ziojob) 9/11.

Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of plan for war on seven nations in five years. Those nations were Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. Clark explicitly accused senior members of PNAC of a foreign policy coup using 9/11.

The PNAC/A Clean Break crowd told us that Iraq did 9/11 and had WMDs and knew where they were. But it was all lies, lies, lies. Result? Approaching one million dead, and a fractured Iraq unable to resist the takeover as Iraqis fought each other in a deliberately engineered sectarian war. How do we know it was deliberately engineered? Two SAS officers dressed as Iraqi locals were arrested with bombs and guns in their car, so the British organized a jailbreak and actually raided the police station where they were held and freed them, ignoring protests from the Iraqi police!

Then Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in 2006.

Then, and this is the crucial bit so listen very, very carefully, in 2007, because the plan for war on seven nations as revealed to General Wesley Clark was moribund, with only two of the seven nations attacked, an agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash extremist Jihadis to destroy some of the nations named to Clark.

But, knowing that the muggins general public wouldn’t support Islamic extremists, in order to provide cover for these extremist Jihadis so that NATO nations could give them political and military support, The Arab Spring was engineered to give any ‘revolution’ in any Arab country an air of respectability and noble purpose that should be supported by NATO. The Arab Spring was financed by The National Endowment for Democracy, and first erupted in Tunisia and Egypt (that’s two more nations that Blair names explicitly in his first sentence).

The first to suffer these Jihadis was Libya. British Special Forces assisted the Jihadis on the ground and NATO provided air cover.

After Libya the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria via Lebanon and Turkey, where they have been causing bloody mayhem, and have been joined by some very nasty and sociopathic Jihadis who decapitate anything that moves.

And for decades now London has been known as Londonistan due to the Covenant of Security that MI5 had with Islamic extremist terrorists, including during Blair’s time as PM, which allowed the terrorists to operate out of London safe from prosecution by other countries as long as the terrorists supported British foreign policy objectives. This is why the likes of Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada at Finsbury Park Mosque were allowed to preach their violence. This is why Osama bin Laden had a mansion in Wembley and trained with SAS/MI6 in Scotland. This is why the butcher of Lee Rigby, Michael Adebalajo, was allowed to openly preach Jihad against President Bashar al Assad, because as we know from former French foreign minister Roland Dumas, it was Great Britain who organized the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria BEFORE The (fake CIA/US State department sponsored) Arab Spring erupted in Syria.

And Blair protected the Saudi regime by continually blocking any investigation into the al Yamamah deal, which is suspected of financing global Islamic terrorism, in particular the very 9/11 that Blair references.

And it was a British agent called Hempher who encouraged a demented Muslim called Wahhabi to develop his twisted version of Islam, which was eventually followed by the Saud tribe who the British supported after WW1 so that the Saud tribe could takeover the Arabian Peninsula and control the vast oil wealth.

In his first sentence Blair names Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Pakistan. The above explains the violence in 6 out of the 8 nations that Blair names explicitly. So what’s that? 75%? Not bad.

As for Pakistan, the CIA financed the ISI to create the extremists which led to the Taliban in Afghanistan. However, the Taliban went off script and decided to eradicate Afghan opium, so NATO went in to kick them out and get the opium harvest quickly back up to record levels under the pretext of hunting down an already dead Osama bin Laden who died from Marfan Syndrome in late 2001/early 2002.

And Yemen also experienced The (fake CIA/US State Department sponsored) Arab Spring during 2011.

Blair also mentions Russia, I assume regarding the terrorism in Volgograd. That was Bandar bin Sultan making good on the lovely threat he issued to Putin last summer, and it has been reported that the FSB have found evidence pointing to a Saudi involvement.

But curiously Blair fails to mention either Saudi Arabia or Israel.

Instead, Blair promotes his global faith thing, believing himself to be some kind of global spiritual guru, proposing that we all have to come together to solve this global problem of international religion-based terrorism. Yeah! The same religion based terrorism that was nurtured under The Covenant of Security! Under Blair!!

What a numpty! I give him 1 out of 10, and the single mark is only for the cheek and arrogance that he thinks he can kill approaching 1 million people based on lies and we won’t remember.

OK. So that’s Blair’s ridiculous rant destroyed.

Now onto my unfavourite, and possibly the most dangerous, UK-based NATO media organization, The Guardian/Observer, and its latest editorial on Syria.

Like Blair’s rant, this editorial names a list of nations suffering violence, which is eerily similar to that of Blair:

You will note that the first 4 nations were named to General Wesley Clark, while the last two kicked off The Arab Spring, which as stated above was designed to provide cover for cutthroat Jihadis who are now in Syria.

But again, like Blair, the editorial does not mention either Israel or Saudi Arabia.

Yet if you read The Redirection by Seymour Hersh, both Israel and Saudi Arabia are explicitly named as reaching an agreement with the USA that Saudi Arabia would unleash Jihadis onto Syria! And not only Syria, but Lebanon and Iraq too!

But here is the editorial suggesting that neither Israel or Saudi Arabia are to blame.
Syria too has become embroiled in a long and bloody civil war that has led to a massive displacement of refugees to neighbouring countries, fuelled a proxy conflict between Shia and Sunni in the region and been an exacerbating factor in the increasing violence in neighbouring Lebanon and Iraq.

…The belated recognition of the significance of sectarian division in shaping conflict by those such as former prime minister Tony Blair – whose role in government was highly divisive in this area – is to be welcomed as a step towards recognising that competitions in the region are complex. But his suggestion that religion, and in particular Islam, judging by his list of countries, is the critical determinant could be as misguided as the previous attachment to a "freedom and democracy agenda".

The reality is that the tensions in the post-Arab spring Middle East reside not only in sect, religion and ethnicity but elsewhere. Geographical rivalries in Libya between east and west and between individual cities are echoed in Egypt in the tension between the centre and outlying regions, as in parts of the Sinai, where lack of economic development and political alienation has played their part.

The relationship between established elites and a wider population has also been crucial. The lure of fundamentalist religion in some cases can be explained by other inequalities and by political exclusion.

[source : Syria's road to peace is littered with our errors, Editorial, The Observer,, 26th January 2014]

I destroyed the credibility of The Guardian/Observer by analyzing its editorials following the horrific tragedy at Ghouta on 21st August last year. The editorials:
1. immediately and consistently accused Assad of ordering the attack with chemical weapons but did not provide any reason why Assad would order this insult to logic;
2. not once considered the cutthroats as the culprits despite an abundance of evidence that they possessed chemical weapons, had tested them on live rabbits, had the means of firing a missile of a sort loaded with chemicals, had issued threats on video of using chemical weapons to get what they wanted, and were in desperate need of overt large scale military assistance because the Syrian Arab Army was annihilating them;
3. supported war under R2P;
4. was overjoyed that Assad had agreed to relinquish Syria’s chemical weapons but not once mentioned Israel’s much larger, more horrific, more threatening and more powerful arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

This editorial continues in that vein of pro-Israel, pro-Saudi sentiment by not mentioning either of them once, and it deflects from the true source of the sectarian violence in the Middle East; a US-Israel-Saudi alliance that began before 9/11 with the aim of taking out enemies and rivals of both Israel and Saudi Arabia.

So why has this blog been entitled CONFUSED?

Who cares?

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