
Saturday, January 25, 2014


An anonymous senior Israeli intelligence official has told Associated Press that Israel is now very concerned at the alleged large numbers of al Qaeda in Syria, and that should there be peace in Syria then al Qaeda will turn their attention to Israel.
The number of al-Qaeda linked fighters active in Syria has mushroomed from 2,000 to more than 30,000 in just two years, a senior Israeli intelligence official has warned, prompting the Jewish state to re-evaluate its policy of neutrality in the conflict which now threatens to spill over the borders.

...The Israeli official said the increased jihadi presence presented the Middle East with a far more dangerous threat. He claimed that the Islamic rebel groups in Syria currently focused on toppling President Bashar al-Assad intend to turn their sites on Israel after dispatching the Syrian government.

"After Assad and after establishing or strengthening their foothold in Syria they are going to move and deflect their effort and attack Israel," he told The Associated Press.

[source : Over 30,000 al-Qaeda linked fighters' in Syria, Israeli official claims, The Daily Telegraph,, 25th January 2014]

Well, duh!!

I have warned Israel several times that they would be betrayed and that something like that is what is supposed to happen.

Israelis don’t understand the true bloody history of their nation. Yes, of course they know about the Holocaust and have been told that Palestinians are subhuman scum who are living on Jewish land and must therefore be wiped off the face of the earth. But, in general, they don’t know how the Warburgs created Hitler by opposing boycotts of Nazi Germany, sitting on the board of and being the largest investor in IG Farben, and also sitting on the board of The Reichsbank, just before they abandoned the doomed Jewish-murdering Nazi ship and fled to the USA. They also don’t know that the Zionist hierarchy collaborated with the Nazis to transfer German Jews to Palestine, a project that was sponsored by the Warburgs. And they are unaware of the several refusals of Jewish homelands other than Palestine by the Zionist hierarchy, a decision that condemned many Jews to death, as well as the refusal to pay a ransom for Jews, which astronomically wealthy Zionist bankers like the Rothschilds could very easily have afforded. And they are unaware of the statements of the Zionist hierarchy which indicate a willingness to sacrifice young, old and sick Jews to establish Eretz Israel.

And in general the world is unaware of the manipulation behind WW1, how Germany was tricked into invading Belgium through King George V telling Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would not join in any war on the continent, and how after WW1 both Nazi Germany under Hitler and Soviet Russia under Stalin were created by Wall Street, the purpose being to get them into a longer bloodier world war that the USA could join early leading to the creation of a world government. Wall Street and London gave Hitler financial, political and moral support for the Nazi eugenics progams, allowed a massive increase in the Wehrmacht beyond that stated in The Treaty of Versailles, and donated military-industrial intelligence and even factories to the Nazis to produce much needed war material and chemicals.

Yet, what did the United Nations Declaration state they were fighting against? Hitlerism!

In other words, Hitler was set up.

And who was it who said this?
We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.

James P Warburg, 17th February 1950, to the Subcommittee on Revision of the United Nations Charter.


It has taken over a century of Zionist cunning and evil to get Israel into the state it is today, threatening global stability. During WW1 they were given Palestine through the Balfour Declaration. But hardly any Jews wanted to migrate there. So there was an agreement with the Nazis that Jews could transfer to Palestine. But still Jews would not emigrate to Palestine.

But after Wall Street creation Hitler’s Holocaust...

I read 2 or 3 days ago that Israel is now considered the 10th most powerful nation in the world. Yet it was only created in 1948! Israel has a large stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that nobody dare mention.

And just last August, after the false flag of Ghouta, we were the closest to WW3 we have been since The Cuban Missile Crisis. The war in Syria is due to Israel, which in 1996 planned the series of wars since the inside Ziojob 9/11 that have killed approximately one million people.

For the dummies, The Arab Spring is a CIA/US State Department operation. Its purpose is to provide cover so that NATO countries could give political, moral and military support to cutthroat Jihadis, who were sent first into Libya and then Syria, due to an agreement between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia. This agreement was reached because by 2007 a plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11, in which seven nations would be attacked in five years, was moribund. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria, and Libya, Sudan and Somalia. Of these the first 4 were named in 1996 in a Zionist warmongering document entitled A Clean Break.

So the very cutthroat Jihadis that Israel is now concerned about in Syria are there because of that Faustian agreement of 2007 between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

But we know for a fact that Israel has been supporting the rebels/cutthroats. Last year Israel attacked Damascus under the pretext that it was stopping a transfer of weapons to Hezbollah from Iran. However, several HQs of units of the Syrian Arab Army were attacked in coordination with the rebels, who were being chased out of Damascus by the SAA.

So, can we trust anything that any Israeli official says? Probably not.

But that does not mean that we should ignore the betrayal of Germany for WW1, and the betrayal of Hitler for WW2.

WW1 : Germany was betrayed, resulting in a failed world government.
WW2 : Hitler was betrayed, resulting in a world government that has survived but does not yet have total control.

There has been ample opportunity for a world government in the UN to gain total control by consent. The UN does not yet have total control. We are now entering the conquest phase, and a WW3 would provoke worldwide demand for a global tyranny.

Betrayal is in the (cold) blood and DNA of The City of London and Wall Street.

They invested in Hitler, only to betray him.

Have they invested in Israel only to betray the Jews? Well, why not? Millions were killed in the Holocaust which eventually persuaded a sceptical world Jewry that Palestine and only Palestine is the only safe haven for them from a cruel and harsh world (created by the Rothschilds and Warburgs). We now see the result of that in Israel now destabilising the world with it’s a Clean Break policy, supported by the UK, USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, and assisting in the empowerment of al Qaeda in nations that surround it.

And what was it that source of Seymour Hersh said about the cutthroats?
Nasr went on, “The Saudis have considerable financial means, and have deep relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis”—Sunni extremists who view Shiites as apostates. “The last time Iran was a threat, the Saudis were able to mobilize the worst kinds of Islamic radicals. Once you get them out of the box, you can’t put them back.

[source : The Redirection, The New Yorker Magazine,, 5th March 2007]

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