
Friday, March 14, 2014


The Russophobe Luke Harding of The Guardian has tried to paint the 'revolution' in Ukraine as a romantic uprising of downtrodden Ukrainians peacefully protesting and convincing the evil oppressive regime of a Russophile government to resign.

Harding could hardly be more wrong.

Harding goes back to the beginning of the protests, which is good, because it helps to have a timeline. According to Harding it all began when a Ukrainian journalist called Mustafa Nayem who, upon hearing the news that ousted legitimately elected President Yanukovich had decided against signing an agreement with the EU to instead sign an agreement with Russia, asked on his Facebook if anyone was going to the Maidan to protest. Apparently 400 of Nayem's friends turned up, and that was the beginning.

But Harding's article is entitled, Kiev's protesters: Ukraine uprising was no neo-Nazi power-grab.

So is Nayem in the new government?


So who is in the new government?

Members of neo-Nazi parties, Svoboda and Right Sector.

Granted, the new Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is not a member of either of these two parties, but the following are:
Andriy Parubiy (founder of Svoboda) - Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine
Oleh Makhnitsky (Svoboda) - Prosecutor General
Oleksandr Sych (Svoboda) - Deputy Prime Minister

These are very powerful positions.

Less powerful positions but still in the cabinet:
Andriy Mokhnyk (Deputy Chairman of Svoboda) - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources
Ihor Shvaika (Svoboda) - Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

The EU expressed their concern about Svoboda in December 2012, calling for nobody "to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with" Svoboda because Svoboda are "racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic".

Another right wing fascist is:
Dmytro Yarosh (leader of Right Sector) - Deputy to Parubiy at National Security and Defence

In other words, the violent fascists are now in charge of the national security, defence and justice apparatus.

The composition of the new cabinet is precisely what Victoria Nuland demanded in her intercepted "Fuck the EU" phone conversation, with Klitschko iced. Nuland is the wife of warmongering neocon Robert Kagan, who founded The Project for a New American Century, which led to 9/11 and the wars since in the Middle East and North Africa. Nuland is also on video speaking at a US-Ukraine business conference stating that since 1991 the USA has spent over $5 billion on regime change in order to drag Ukraine under IMF control.

And just as an agreement and a truce had been reached between Yanukovich and the Maidan protestors, unidentified snipers shot dead both protestors and police, destabilising the whole situation, which the violent fascists capitalised on and ousted the legitimately elected government, after burning buildings and throwing Molotov cocktails and causing general mayhem all round. But according to another intercepted phone call, this time involving Catherine Ashton, the snipers were under the control of the violent fascists. Tthe shots were fired from buildings under violent fascist control, and the man controlling the snipers and that building was...Andriy Parubiy (founder of Svoboda), now Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (see above).

This is a textbook violent fascist coup.

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