
Friday, March 14, 2014


Bloody hell!!

Although this could be a subtle warning to Russia...

And this I think shows that this trouble in Ukraine is about Sevastopol and not just pipelines/IMF.

From Ukraine: War on 15 March?,

As previously reported, a group called Anonymous Ukraine has a number of e -mails unearthed , for example, the German -Ukrainian rebels Vitali Klitschko.E -mails he did not deny until now. In response to a request to him no reply . Now more emails have surfaced that make planning a false flag operation against Russia seems to follow . Accordingly, the Deputy Military Attaché wrote in the Kyiv U.S. Embassy , Lieutenant Colonel Jason P. Gresh ( ) , on 9 March 2014 an e- mail to Colonel Igor Protsyk ( ) , head of the Commission for bilateral military cooperation of the Ukrainian army.

"Igor ," the American wrote in it , " the events come thick and fast in the Crimea. Our friends in Washington expect decisive action by your network. I think it is time to implement the plan , which we recently reviewed . Your task is to cause some problems to the transport hub in the southeast, to provide the neighbors a trap. This will provide for the Pentagon and the Company [ CIA ] favorable conditions for action. Do not waste time , my friend. Sincerely, Jason P. Gresh , U.S. Army. "

" Make it look like a real attack"

The named Igor Protsyk turn wrote two days later , on 11 March 2014 at 13.50 clock , an e -mail to a Krivonis Vasil ( ) and offers him an attack on a Ukrainian airfield:

" Vasil , you must perform an activity in Melitopol soon as possible. There, an air transport brigade is stationed . Our friends cursed [ the Russians ] should one spot . I think you know what I mean. But is wisely and carefully. The brigade is now in combat exercises , that is, the aircraft takes not to harm. There are plenty of broken / old planes , with which you can do everything. The aircraft numbers , you get sent . Remember, it is like a real attack of the Russian Spec - Nas [ Russian Special Forces ] look like. The brigade commander is a smart guy . Details he will not know , but in an emergency you can rely on him / contact him. We warn him. "

" Kill with the knife of another "

Vasil wrote again on 11 March 2014 at 17.20 clock an e -mail to Oleg Kolyarny ( ) . Deadline for the company is therefore the 15 March :

" Oleg , you have to make an appointment and organize unrest on behalf of Muscovite [ Russians ] at the airport in Melitopol . This one has until 15 March ... do you know why . First, you have to put yourself with Paschko Tarasenko in conjunction . You'd have to know him (....) . To you young people 10-12 come to the center . They are the best fighters of Trizub [ name]. The leader is Mischko that you'd have to also know . The details you can find out from him. One has to meet the people and equip them with the necessities. Acts on breastfeeding. Speak only in Russian! The 25TE Brigade is preparing fighter. Makes them no problems with the aircraft. There are a lot of old iron [ scrap aircraft] with which one can do everything. The useful planes are shown to you . You have to make it look like a targeted attack of " Spetsnaz " [ Russian unit ] . But without the dead. "

Of course, Oleg will do all that for nothing. But for traitor 's course money :

"Give me your information again . The money will go immediately. Do not worry . Follow the instructions . ( ..) Meet the decisions wisely. "

Adventurous ? Not necessarily . Model is quite obvious that decades ago , designed by the U.S. military Operation Northwoods . However, the origins of such operations are much older. Even the Chinese general Tan Daoji described the process in the 5th Century in his 36 stratagems . It says: " kill with the knife of another ." The attacks of 11.9.2001 can be seen also again , in the "List of self-mutilation ": "Hurt Yourself to excite compassion and pretend own weakness "

At the last mail an aerial view of an aerodrome with the marked targets is attached , therefore probably Melitopol.

In addition to the rectangle with the oval says " military vehicle GAZ -66 " . In addition to the circle on the right is " shooting " and at the bottom left of the Cross : " 2 aircraft IL -76 ." That should be the scrap machinery .

Is it not later than 15 March so far as ? Because at 16 March there is the referendum in the Crimea ...

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