
Thursday, June 19, 2014


Dear Dave

I was very concerned at your statement during PMQs yesterday in The House of Commons, regarding Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), that:
"The people in that regime - as well as trying to take territory - are also planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom."

This concerned me because, at the time this statement was made, I was unaware of any public threat from ISIS regarding attacking the UK. And so was BBC correspondent Frank Gardner, who had to explain away your terrifying comment by writing:
There has been no public threat from ISIS of an attack against the UK and there are no details available of any actual attack planning by it.

However, it is perfectly plausible and there are bound to be things that the intelligence agencies pick up that they share with the National Security Council but not with us, the public.

But where has this threat of ISIS come from?

On 5th March 2007 Seymour Hersh reported in New Yorker Magazine in an article entitled The Redirection that Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia had agreed to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto nations such as Syria, Lebanon and Iran. It is my belief that this is due to the failure of Tony Blair and the so-called Neocons to implement their plan for war on seven nations in five years as revealed by a Pentagon officer to General Wesley Clark shortly after the truly horrific events of 11th September 2001. The seven nations named to Clark were:

We invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext that Iraq had WMDs and was also involved in 9/11. Both allegations were untrue.

Israel had a brief war with Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006.

So by 2007 this plan was moribund. It was then that Hersh reported that Iran, Lebanon and Syria would suffer an invasion of cutthroat Jihadis.

However, the first nation to suffer these Jihadis was Libya in 2011. And by this time you were Prime Minister. The CIA and US State Department engineered The Arab Spring through The National Endowment for Democracy to give these Jihadis cover as 'freedom fighters', which was used by NATO to provide air cover for the Jihadis for them to eventually murder Colonel Gaddafi.

After Libya, the Jihadis moved onto Syria.

However, last year the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas revealed to French Parliament Channel LCP that he had been asked in 2009, two years before events in Syria, by British officials to smuggle Jihadis into Syria, an offer he apparently declined.

But more ominous is the horrific event in May last year when Lee Rigby was hacked to death by Michael Adebalajo. But what is even more ominous is that Adebalajo was under surveillance by MI5 at the time of the attack. And not only that, Adebalajo was allowed by MI5 to preach Jihad on the streets of London, begging Muslims to go to Syria to join the Jihad against President Assad of Syria, perhaps to provide recruits for the Jihadi pipeline that Roland Dumas was asked to establish. Estimates of the number of Britons waging Jihad in Syria against Assad vary but 400 seems to be a common estimate, but it may be higher. But one thing is for sure, you and your sidekick William Hague, and (not yet Sir) Andrew Parker will never tire of citing them as the greatest threat to national security.

So one wonders:
1. why was Adebalajo allowed to preach Jihad against Assad on the streets of London?
2. how many Muslims did Adebalajo inspire to go to Syria to fight Jihad against Assad?
3. how many of those are members of ISIS, and are now in Iraq?

There are mountains of reports on who created ISIS, who funds ISIS, who trains ISIS, etc, and they all point to our allies, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the USA. So I seriously doubt that MI6 don't know.

However, you have been Prime Minister since May 2010. It is during this time that The Arab Spring kicked off in Syria, and with the evidence provided above, there is good reason to believe that it is British foreign policy to encourage British Jihadis to travel to Syria to oust President Assad, and reasonable to assume that some of these British Jihadis have joined ISIS, and are now in Iraq.

I therefore hold you, the head of MI5 and the head of MI6 responsible for any attack by any member of ISIS on a British citizen and/or on the British mainland.

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