
Thursday, June 19, 2014


Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet to declare that you love peace, the undead Dick Cheney is now attempting to resurrect the Neocons with a new organisation, called Alliance for a Strong America, that continues his attack in describing President Obama as the weakness in The White House.
We stand at a critical moment in the life of our nation. The policies of the last six years have left America diminished and weakened. Our enemies no longer fear us. Our allies no longer trust us. Empty threats, meaningless redlines, leading from behind, and “engagement” with rogue regimes have put America on a path of decline. Threats to America’s security are on the rise.

Al Qaeda is resurgent, establishing new safehavens across the Middle East, including in Iraq where President Obama withdrew all American forces with no stay behind agreement. He has announced he intends to do the same in Afghanistan. Syria has become the most dangerous training ground for Islamic terrorists since the attacks of 9/11. President Obama has repeatedly misled the American people about the attacks in Benghazi and the true nature of the threats we face.

[source : About The Alliance for a Strong America, The Alliance for a Strong America,, Accessed 19th June 2014]

Let's take some of the undead Cheney's points and totally destroy them, shall we?

1. Cheney says:
Al Qaeda is resurgent, establishing new safehavens across the Middle East, including in Iraq where President Obama withdrew all American forces with no stay behind agreement

Yes, al Qaeda is resurgent, but this is due to an agreement reached around 2006/7 in which Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Now, it just so happens that these 3 were named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as targets for war, even though no evidence had been shown of their culpability in 9/11. The seven nations named to Clark were the four named in A Clean Break, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia. These seven were supposed to have been and regime change in these seven nations in five years. But by 2007 only one, Iraq, had seen war and regime change, while Israel had engineered a war on Lebanon to get at Hezbollah but lost.

Clark accused Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld of a foreign policy coup.

So by 2007 this plan of unleashing cutthroat Jihadis was hatched to inject some much needed life into their plan for totaler krieg. The cutthroat Jihadis were given cover as 'freedom fighters' by the CIA/State Department's fake Arab Spring, allowing NATO to be the Jihadi Air Force.

2. Cheney says:
Syria has become the most dangerous training ground for Islamic terrorists since the attacks of 9/11.

Yes, Syria has become a most dangerous training ground for Islamic terrorists. But this is due to the agreement described in point 1. above.

3. 9/11 was run by Saudi Arabia. This is why 28 pages of the report of the official investigation have been withheld.

4. If Saudi Arabia ran 9/11, and is financing the cutthroat Jihadis in Syria and Iraq, then "the true nature of the threats we face" comes from Saudi Arabia.

5. The war on Afghanistan was about pipelines and opium, not about hunting Osama bin Laden, who died from Marfan Syndrome in late 2001/early 2002, but the weakness in the Vice President's office didn't bother to tell us.

The Alliance for a Strong America lists the following as resources:
The Weekly Standard
The Heritage Foundation
The American enterprise Institute
The Institute for the Study of War (President and founder is Dr Kimberley Kagan, wife of Fred Kagan, brother of Robert Kagan, founder of PNAC)
Foreign Policy Initiative (Board of Directors includes Robert Kagan and William Kristol, i.e PNAC)

This truly is a resurrection of the dreamy Neocons and their dreams for totaler krieg.

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