
Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Yesterday Russia released evidence that MH17 was tracked by an unidentified plane, suspected to be a Ukraine Su25.

That was reinforced by radar recordings.

Today the US State Dept was asked for its evidence to support their claims that pro-Russia separatists in East Ukraine shot down MH17. Reporters were told it was on social media and the internet.

That's it! That's all they have! Social media! The internet! Oh, and logic.

Let's see. Shortly after MH17 crashed, a video that was on social media, on the internet, was brought to our attention by none other than the Ukraine Ministry of the Interior, alleging that it showed a Russian BUK system in East Ukraine rushing through the dead of night to get back to Russia before it was found to have shot down MH17. But guess what : the video was of a Ukrainian BUK system in an area controlled by the Ukrainian military!

Now THAT is what I call a load of bollocks.

Is that the standard of evidence we are being asked to believe? Social media, the internet and logic?


But to support the Russian view that it was Ukraine who shot down MH17 we have:
1. the real time tweets of a Spanish ATC, whose account has now been closed;
2. Russian radar recordings;
3. CIA analysts telling Consortium News that their photos show a missile was shot by Ukraine.

But in addition, there is the motive.

Why would pro-Russia separatists shoot down a passenger jet? They were beating the Ukraine military, so much so that the Ukraine military and their assistants from the neo Nazi National Guard are causing almost as much damage to civilians as Israel is in Gaza, along with the human rights abuses. So to shoot down a passenger jet to focus media attention on that rather than the barbarity of the Ukraine military is preposterous.

On the other hand, that dastardly Putin has just launched a development bank to threaten the World Bank/IMF apparatus that has sucked the life out of many nations and left those nations in intensive care, and only IMF money can save them from certain death.

But also, as I have pointed out soooooooo many times, Prince Bandar was sent to Moscow last summer to threaten Putin: dump Assad and Russia can operate in the Middle East and sell billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia; or Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad. Putin rejected this lovely, heartwarming offer. On 21st August, hell was unleashed in Syria...

So two major, major reasons for the NATO/Wall Street/City of London Estaboishment to hate and distrust Putin are:
1. Syria
2. BRICS Development bank

So these are also very, very, very good reasons why Ukraine, under orders from their NATO masters, would shoot down a passenger jet and blame it on Putin. Remember, Bandar threatened that he would try to embarrass Putin, and he tried (and failed) with hundreds of dead children.

And not only that, after all these years of stalling and humming and stalling again, the British Government has suddenly decided that, you know what, let's have a public inquiry into the death of that radioactive traitor Alexander Litvinenko who died nearly 8 years ago.

So what does The Little Britisher Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan (the job we all wanted at school), have to say:
The immediate cause of the MH17 disaster was a missile shot by pro-Russian forces who mistook it for one of the military aircraft they had been regularly shooting down. It is a terrible tragedy – and tragically not unique. There have been several such events in my lifetime, including the USS Vincennes incident and the Soviet downing of a Korean airliner.

...Putin will continue his dangerous expansionist nationalism because it is a self-trapping path for a politician to take; but also he is encouraged that whatever he does, nobody makes any serious moves to stop him. The people on MH17 were killed because of the pusillanimity of Western politicians, financed and guided by the financial elite.

[source : MH17 – Downed by Elite Collusion, Craig Murray,, 22nd July 2014]

Murray wraps his NATO-esque accusations in a swaddling of billionaires, highlighting the number of billionaires in Russia, and freedom of press.

Yes, the freedom of press that NATO use to attack Putin through Navalny and other CIA/NED/Color Revolution cronies?

And as for expansionist nationalism? WHAT THE FUCK IS NATO DOING?!

And why would Putin, and the other BRICS leaders, and their supporters in Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and elsewhere, risk their lives and reputations by establishing a rival to the World Bank/IMF apparatus run by The Federal Reserve?

For fun?

Or because they, like a growing number of people around the world, are sick and tired of the manipulation by the Federal Reserve and the financial apparatus that has sucked the life out of so many nations and kept them underdeveloped?

Do you think they are not aware of the assassination squads and black propaganda units that will be formed to destroy the BRICS development bank and themselves personally?

MH17 is part of the assassination/black propaganda designed to destroy Putin.

And as for that Litvinenko Public Inquiry? The terms do not allow investigation into MI6, and some of it will be held in secret! So much for public! And this after he died nearly 8 years ago?



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