
Saturday, September 13, 2014


To some I know : put your hands over your ears and make really daft sounds.

First the mother of James Foley claimed that she was threatened with prosecution for trying to raise the ransom for her son who was later allegedly beheaded by an executioner for The Islamic State. Now the parents of Steven Sotloff have claimed the same thing happened to them. Steven was also allegedly beheaded by an executioner for The Islamic State. Both executions have been used to provoke support for war in Iraq and Syria on The Islamic State.

And yet The Islamic State has held hostages from nations other than the USA and released them. Why? Because their home nations were willing to allow the ransoms to be paid. There is a treaty between G8 nations agreed last year that no member of the G8 would pay a ransom. But some members of the G8 have broken that treaty...several times! Indeed you could describe that treaty as moribund. Yet for some reason, the USA and the DFQ are steadfast in their resolve to honour this particular treaty, despite all the international laws, codified and moral, that they wantonly break on a daily basis.

And oh how convenient it is that the result of honouring this treaty results in beheadings that can be used to provoke cries for war.

If you were sceptical about Mrs Foley then the same claim from the Sotloffs, and an inhumane reticence from Der Fuhrer Dodgy Dave Cameron that the DFQ should pay any ransoms, should be enough proof that our governments are willing, indeed desperately wanting, to sacrifice civilians being beheaded to provoke calls for war in Syria.

The parents of murdered journalist Steven Sotloff were told by a White House counterterrorism official at a meeting last May that they could face criminal prosecution if they paid ransom to try to free their son, a spokesman for the family told Yahoo News Friday night.

"The family felt completely and utterly helpless when they heard this," said Barak Barfi, a friend of Sotloff who is serving as a spokesman for his family. "The Sotloffs felt there was nothing they could do to get Steve out."

[source : Sotloff's parents told they could be prosecuted for paying ransom to IS, Yahoo News,, 13th September 2014]

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