
Sunday, September 14, 2014


A few weeks ago Der Fuhrer Dodgy Dave Cameron stood up in The Marsten House and said we will not pay ransoms because it funds terrorism. This was just after videos allegedly showing the beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff had been released and Haines was being threatened as the next to lose his head. Harumph, harumph, harumph, muttered The Marsten House, for Haines was expendable.

Before last night nobody in the NATO media cared about Haines. The Daily Mail last week printed something about his family attacking Cameron for not wanting to pay his ransom when other hostages were back safe and well with their families because their governments had allowed ransoms to be paid, violating a treaty agreed between G8 nations last year. Basically that is all we knew about David Haines before last night; his name.

But now that Haines has no head, virtually every NATO media newspaper had some kind of heart-wrenching bio of Haines: former RAF; he was happiest when working; he married and had children with his childhood sweetheart. All that kind of stuff.

Now I ask, if this same kind of media coverage of Haines had been made BEFORE he lost his head then the whole of the DFQ would have been banging down the doors of Number 10 Downing Street demanding that Cameron pay Hanies' ransom.

Sky News has been wall-to-wall Haines since the first reports of his beheading. And Sky News is quoting Colonel Richard Kemp who suggests that we should basically bomb, bomb, bomb then send in the ground troops. But who is Kemp? During the most recent shooting-fish-in-a-barrel Isrseli war on The Gaza Strip Kemp said that the IDF is the most moral army the world has ever known!!

Before last night we knew very little about Haines. But now he was everyone's son, beheaded by The Islamic State who we must now bomb, bomb, bomb before sending in the ground troops, an action that would cost several orders of magnitude greater than Haines' ransom, both financially and in deaths.

I proposed that the British and American governments were very suspiciously honouring this obscure treaty between G8 nations on ransoms because it is producing exactly the outcries of Bomb Syria that were lacking last year after the event of 21st August last year at Ghouta. Other members of the G8 have ignored this treaty and paid ransoms, and as a result the former hostages are alive and back with their families. But in the USA the Foleys and Sotloffs were threatened with prosecution if they tried to raise the ransom. And in the DFQ Dodgy Dave stood up in The Marsten House and said that we will not pay ransoms, but now that Haines has no head Cameron will sickeningly use Haines' beheading as a casus belli.

Apparently Haines said:
My name is David Cawthorne Haines. I would like to declare that I hold you David Cameron entirely responsible for my execution.

Haines is undeniably correct. If Cameron is so shocked and sickened and horrified by Haines' beheading then he should resign immediately, and at the very least not use Haines' death as a casus belli, a death that Cameron has deliberately provoked and engineered, supported by a pathetic, cowardly NATO media who are using Haines' engineered beheading for war.

Cameron has the blood of David Cawthorne Haines on his already bloodsoaked hands. He should resign immediately and be prosecuted for murder.

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