
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I bought Oh What a Lovely War the other day, interested in that first 15 minutes or so during which guilt for starting WW1 is established. The film blames Count Berchtold, Foreign Minister of Austro-Hungary. Interestingly, Kaiser Wilhelm is shown as being anti-war until he is told that it is too late to stop the war. Wilhelm is even shown to demand that Great Britain make its intentions known. In this the film gives a more truthful portrayal of Germany, but instead of blaming Kaiser Wilhelm blames Berchtold instead.

Great Britain is represented by Sir Edward Grey, who is portrayed as the total innocent.

No mention of the assassins admitting to being Freemasons, receiving encouragement and the weapons for the assassination from Freemasonry, and in the knowledge that Freemasonry had condemned Arch Duke Ferdinand to death a few years earlier but they had not found any willing assassins.

No mention that Great Britain had created The Balkan Committee to manipulate tension in The Balkans.

No mention that Kaiser Wilhelm was told by King George V that Great Britain would not join in any war.

But also no mention that Sir Edward Grey, who in the film says, "I think we should all stay calm", was told by King George V to get Great Britain involved in any war.

And no mention that it was the nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate King Edward VII who as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England engineered the Triple Entente that surrounded Germany.

In the film Kaiser Wilhelm notes that Germany had been encircled for the destruction of Germany. There is also a suggestion for the true reason for the war: that Germany was a moral, industrious nation who deserved recognition as a world power. The truth is that Germany and the USA had overtaken the British Empire as the most powerful economies in the world.

Oh What a Lovely War is thought to be one of the greatest anti war films ever made, but all it does is reinforce the current power structure and the reason why the war, and indeed WW2, was fought: to make mankind go through hell to be sick of war so that all future wars would be stopped by a world government, and only wars reinforcing the power of the world government would be allowed.

Can you guess who was to, and currently does, pull the strings of any such world government?

Clue: they live in the capital of England.

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