
Monday, March 30, 2015


These are not my words (though I do think they are true).

These are the words of the Dutch team investigating MH17.

The Dutch public prosecution underlines that, despite the release of this information, there is still no irrefutable proof that explains the crash. “It is too early to be drawing any conclusions regarding the cause of the crash.” The investigation team is researching another scenario, in which MH17 was the target of an airborne assault. Two other scenarios, a terrorist attack and technical failure, have been ruled out.

[source : Strong evidence found of separatist involvement in downing of MH17, NRC,, 30th March 2015]

So they still haven't ruled out "an airborne assault".

I'm not surprised about that with all the eyewitnesses who have stated on camera, some within minutes of MH17 coming down, that they saw fighter jets close to MH17 when it came down.

But note in the RCL report these statements:
The missile’s smoke trail was photographed from Torez and the electronic communication between the missile and its launcher was supposedly registered as well.

Regarding the claim about the smoke trail, it has not been proved that it was THE smoke trail. This is only a belief of some.

And regarding the claim that the electronic communications were registered, I assume that this was made by the 'sensors' that the USA says it has, the data from which has not been released, but they did release an image of an arc and a straight line intercepting over Shnizhne, an image a schoolkid could knock up in 30 seconds. Why not release the raw data?

And regarding Jeroen Akkermans, he violated all criminal and journalistic protocol and claims to have removed a piece of evidence that he allegedly found at a crime scene, he did not notify the investigating authorities until months later when some one who was paid to provide an opinion said that the evidence belonged to a BUK.

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