
Monday, March 30, 2015


Pyotr Fedotov is the MH17 'eyewitness' who is reported to have said that he saw the wiggling rocket fired from a field identified to him by farm workers as the launch site.

But he now says that the Reuters report relating to him is "mere fantasy".

So what does Reuters and the reporter have to say?

RT’s request to Reuters for comments on the controversy and raw footage of Fedotov’s interview was not replied to as of publication of this article.

[source : ‘Reuters lied’: MH17 witness says reporter falsified story, RT,, 30th March 2015]

RT must now interview the other quoted sources in that Reuters report, in particular Valentina Kovalenko, who said she saw smoke coming from the Progress mine. The Progress mine is several Kms north west of the village whereas the proposed launch site is east of the village.

Perhaps Reuters were hoping that nobody in the village could read English?

Or maybe Fedotov is lying and he is making this up to protect himself?

This is why RT needs to urgently contact the other witnesses named in that Reuters report.

But let's review the current allegations about who shot down MH17 and from where:
1. the Ukraine Security Service released tapes within hours of MH17 coming down which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks based at Chernukino shot down MH17;
2. Belling Cat and RTL Nieuws believe that, based on a photograph of a plume of smoke, a BUK was launched from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne;
3. the US State Dept released an image of an arc intercepting a straight line with the arc's origin in the Shnizhne area;
4. Der Spiegel and Correctiv released flashy multi-media reports based on statements from anonymous eyewitnesses suggesting that a BUK was launched from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne;
5. Russia says that fighter jets were in the area when MH17 was shot down, claims backed up by numerous eyewitnesses who have gone on camera to state their claims;
6. Russia also says that Ukraine's BUK systems were close to the area and were showing signs of increased activity on 17th July;

Now from this we can see that the claims from the pro-Kiev side all contradict each other, and that any 'eyewitness' statements are anonymous. And when one source is named (Fedotov) he refutes the report's claims.

Whereas there are many interviews of eyewitnesses who say on camera, some within minutes of MH17 coming down, that they saw fighter jets close to MH17 when it was shot down.

And you can also add to this that:
1. the Ukraine Air Force is being very coy about what they were doing on 17th July 2014;
2. a claim has been made that Germany knows the ID numbers of the planes in the air and in the area of MH17 when it was shot down, the allegation being that they were waiting for Putin to fly by on his way to Rostov in a plane with livery very similar to MH17;
3. there has been virtually no mention in the NATO media that Ukraine has an air force and has BUKs;
4. that the investigation is being 'guided' by the Dutch intelligence services who are interfering with and obstructing the investigation;
5. that there was a secret agreement that allowed the conspirators to veto any evidence or information from being released.


NATO wants Ukraine and will lie through its teeth to get it.

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