
Tuesday, March 03, 2015


There is something insulting about the editorial in The Guardian today.

Last week I found among my DVD library a copy of Letter to Brezhnev. Remember that incredibly pro-Russia film starring several actors who went to much bigger things. But the curious sacred fact about this copy of Letter to Brezhnev was that it was distributed free by...THE GUARDIAN!!! It was in one of those campaigns in which free DVDs were given away. Several newspapers did the same thing at different times.

But there it was. Perhaps the most powerful British pro-Russia film distributed by The Guardian.

But read The Guardian today and you will not find a more rabid anti-Russia rant in a British newspaper in a 100 years.

This time the editorial takes aim at Putin's adviser Vladislav Surkov, and attacks the propaganda methods of Russia.

Behind this attack lies the assumption that The Guardian has always told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...always and forever. Indeed the editorial even cites that most inappropriate quotation from C P Scott:
Comment is free but facts are sacred

But since 9/11 there has been an increase in the number of wars that this nation has been involved in, and the strength of the police state against the unsuspecting British taxpayer. That is all due to the plan for war on seven nations in five years which was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. The first four of these were named in A Clean Break in 1996. The first two were named as the biggest threats to US national security in a document written by another Zionist organisation, The Project for a New American Century. That this plan has been advanced over 13 years, two Presidents and several Prime Ministers indicates that this is an establishment idea.

That plan was supposed to last for just five years. But by 2007 that plan was moribund, so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, but they were first unleashed onto Libya, with none other than The Guardian allowing the now disgraced Malcolm Rifkind to demand that UN SCR 1973 be abused to kill Gaddafi and none other than The Guardian to write editorials demanding that NATO become the air force for what turned out to be al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. And once they had killed Gaddafi those Jihadis were smuggled into Syria, perhaps through the pipelines that the British had asked Roland Dumas to organise in 2009, two years before this all happened, indicating that the British bear some responsibility for every death that has occured in Syria in the last 4 years.

But things did not go so well in Syria. Four years later and President Bashar al Assad is still in power, and has one very powerful ally: Russia. In 2013 Prince Bandar went to Moscow to personally threaten Putin that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. On 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell on earth in Ghouta. Bandar and his masters wanted to use that false flag to bomb the shit out of Syria so that the plan revealed to Clark could advance to Iran.

But Putin blocked that plan by arranging that Syria relinquish its chemical weapons. The Guardian was ecstatic but made no mention of the much more powerful and destructive arsenal of Israel which contains nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

So when Putin convinced Yanukovich to sign a deal with Russia instead of with the EU/IMF, NATO unleashed their Nazis and their man Yatseniuk was handpicked by Victoria Kagan-Nuland to become PM in a coup so obvious that the pigeons in Trafalgar Square can see it!

So what has caused the establishment newspaper The Guardian to distribute for free Letter to Brezhnev but now be so anti-Russia?

One man: Vladimir Putin.

During the Cold War there was a NATO project called Operation Mockingbird in which spies would be implanted into media to promote a particular line of propaganda. That continues today.

The propaganda against Putin has become that ridiculous that last week CNN tried to suggest that Putin was Jihadi John!!

For whatever reason Putin has become the talisman of a movement that could be opposed to the evil tyranny of the Federal Reserve system of the Anglo-American Establishment that has led to so many wars and so much inequality. If this system can demonise Putin and destroy his credibility, throw so much mud that some sticks, then perhaps that movement will lose momentum.

This is why there is so much anti-Russia, anti-Putin propaganda, You could say that all news is propaganda.

Nemtsov was an expendable 1%-approval has-been.

Facts are sacred. But so too can their interpretation.

And here is another interpretation of the Nemtsov assassination: perhaps it was also a warning to Putin that the furious Anglo-American establishment can kill someone with touching distance of The Kremlin.

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