
Sunday, May 24, 2015


Four years ago the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers unleashed international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria. The plan was that they would oust President Bashar al Assad. But two years later Assad was still in power. So the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers ran a false flag on 21st August 2013, which was designed to provoke a massive bombing and possible grsound invasion of Syria to oust Assad. Syria was one of seven nations targeted for war and regime change after 9/11 even though none of those seven had anything to do with 9/11 whatsoever.

But that false flag didn't work. Ed Miliband did the right thing and stopped the planned war.

So, as now know for sure but before only suspected, the US (and probably the UK too) facilitated the rise of Islamic State to isolate Assad. This facilitation included ordering Iraqi Army units to stand down and surrender their equipment to Syrian rebels fleeing the Syrian Arab Army. Since then, with money in the bank and lots of military hardware, some even air-dropped by those NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers as reported in the Iraqi press, Islamic State is on the march, now controlling the whole border between Syria and Iraq.

Particular elements in the NATO media are getting very excited. Check out the title of this article in, yes, you guessed, The Guardian: Amid the ruins of Syria, is Bashar al-Assad now finally facing the end? The article reports on a meeting held in Turkey in March this year at which it was agreed that Syria's enemies would all briefly unite and provide the Syrian rebels with whatever they needed, except anti-aircraft missiles.

This explains the recent success of Islamic State and the rest of the international cutthroat Jihadis fighting a proxy war against the Syrian people, but it does not explain where Islamic State came from. And we now know that in 2012 the US DIA proposed the facilitation of the rise of Islamic State.


Four years Syria, as a people fighting an invading foreign force, have virtually united against those invaders.


Four years of seeing their children's throats slit by a demon from Saudi Arabia.

Yet what do the people care more about? Blokes sticking their cocks up each others arses. But I experienced this last year when I gave 5 month notice for a protest outside Freemasons Hall to protest the Freemasonic engineering in WW1. Nobody turned up but me. But just the other side of Covent Garden was a massive celebration of blokes sticking their cocks up each others arses.

Islamic State has been allowed to become such a threat that now the former Chief of the General Staff, Lord Dannatt, is writing in The Daily Mail that we should now put British boots on the ground in Syria.
We have now reached a point when we must think the previously unthinkable and consider that British troops, acting as part of an international coalition, may be required to mount a ground campaign in Iraq and Syria.

I am no gung-ho general who says 'just send the boys in and don't worry about the body-bags', far from it, but faced with such a lethal and uncompromising enemy as IS – and with the lack of political and diplomatic solutions at our disposal – we can no longer afford to rule out 'boots on the ground'.

...But today we must find the courage of our convictions to put these costly wars behind us and go about defeating IS on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria.

[source : I'm no gung-ho general, says the former Army chief LORD DANNATT - but the debate must start NOW to send in UK ground troops to combat evil of ISIS, Daily Mail,, 24th May 2015]

Dannatt claims to be "no gung-ho general". But if he reads the article in The Guardian above then he will find out who is driving Islamic State: Turkey and Saudi Arabia!! Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have facilitated the rise of Islamic State: Saudi Arabia has provided the finance and the ideology; Turkey has provided the logistics. And this is in addition to the US DIA proposal of a Salafist entity in Syria to isolate Assad.


But Dannatt ignores this and suggests we send in the boys.

Islamic State is a classic problem-reaction-solution. We created Islamic State. They were created to create a problem that only we would be able to fix, and without Assad's help. That fix involves sending British troops into Syria.


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