
Sunday, May 24, 2015


Homosexuality is being normalised.

It is now illegal to refuse to bake a cake celebrating homosexuality!! Can you get your head around that concept? It is now illegal to refuse to bake a cake celebrating homosexuality. Ignore that if you refuse to bake that cake that you are losing custom and a potential customer base and all the profits, and that that is your freedom to do so. It's your bakery. You should be able to bake a cake for whoever you want.

But no. If a homosexual wants you to bake a cake for them then you MUST bake that cake!!

But remember when world war was normal?

For nearly 4 years during WW1 and nearly 6 years during WW2 we bombed the shit out of each other. And for what?

What drove mankind into such barbarity? Such depravity?

Maybe I was right. Maybe erotic animals cannot sense evil.

Why is the public so happy that blokes can legally stick their cocks up each others arses while we have been illegally waging a series of wars on North Africa and the Middle East since 9/11, even facilitating the rise of Islamic State to continue those wars?

Yep. I was right. Erotic animals cannot sense evil.

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