
Monday, May 18, 2015


One of the BB housemates is quoted saying, "I'd want to hear every single pump."

What is she talking about?

As I have suggested for many years, Big Brother is meant to acclimatise us all to total surveillance, including being watched in our own homes. This is already being suggested, and is nearly standard in some of the latest TVs now.

What this BB contestant is talking about is a live sex show in the BB house, but just to increase viewing numbers.

When BB started it was the talking point at the office water cooler. There was barely a hint of sex. But now the show inserts porn stars and lotharios hoping that a live sex show will occur, turning us not only into a population prepared for, if not demanding, total surveillance but also into a nation of perverts and voyeurs.

The news will thrill Channel 5 bosses as they plot to save the show from a ratings disaster.

They are desperate to win back fans after viewing figures slumped to below a million following last week’s launch night.

The sex-mad gang have only known each other for five days but already want to make BB16 the raunchiest ever.

They have made a pact that if anyone has a romp in the house they will all stand and watch.

Hunky demolition man Danny Wisker, 29, and law student Sarah Greenwood, 24, are the hot favourites to head between the sheets.

The flirty pair have already got cosy under some cushions.

And Jack "Pie Face" McDermott, 23, revealed if they got it on, then all the housemates would watch.

He said: "If anything is going on, Danny would be in the middle of it. And we will all be just looking."

Saucy Chloe Wilburn, 25, added: "I'd want to hear every single pump."

[source : Big Brother's sex plot to save the show, Daily Star,, 18th May 2015]

Meanwhile NATO supports a violent neo-Nazi coup which has led to the deaths of over 7000 civilians in East Ukraine, and supports Saudi Arabia unleashing the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria who have morphed into Islamic State, who are now being used as the reason to impose draconian surveillance laws. Hence shows like Big Brother have acclimatised us to total surveillance.

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