
Monday, May 18, 2015


At the NATO summit in Bucharest in April 2008 it was agreed that Georgia and Ukraine would at some point join NATO. Here is the statement from the formal declaration:
23. NATO welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO. Both nations have made valuable contributions to Alliance operations. We welcome the democratic reforms in Ukraine and Georgia and look forward to free and fair parliamentary elections in Georgia in May. MAP is the next step for Ukraine and Georgia on their direct way to membership. Today we make clear that we support these countries’ applications for MAP. Therefore we will now begin a period of intensive engagement with both at a high political level to address the questions still outstanding pertaining to their MAP applications. We have asked Foreign Ministers to make a first assessment of progress at their December 2008 meeting. Foreign Ministers have the authority to decide on the MAP applications of Ukraine and Georgia.

[source : Bucharest Summit Declaration, NATO,, 3rd April 2008]

But another attendee was Vladimir Putin. He spoke at the summit and had this to say about Georgia and Ukraine:
As for the policy of expanding the alliance, we have been attentively watching your discussion yesterday. On the whole, of course, we are satisfied with your decisions, which took place. But If I speak about Georgia and Ukraine, it is clear that the matter concerns not only security issues. For our Georgian friends, of course, it is one of means to restore their territorial integrity, as they believe. Besides, by means of force, under the aegis of NATO. It is an old, many-years, lasting for more than a hundred years, ethnic conflict between Georgians, between Abkhazians (it is a small ethnic group, it numbers a mere 200 thousand people), between Ossetians, for a hundred years, and more, these conflicts are ethnic. To solve these problems they need not to enter NATO, they should have patience, establish dialog with small ethnic groups. And we have been trying to help them, besides, to help Georgia restore its territorial integrity. And even despite the decisions on Kosovo, we will not recognize the independence of these quasipublic formations, though they have been calling on us since long ago, for decades already. We have been very responsible, very weighted, and call on you to be careful as well.

But in Ukraine, one third are ethnic Russians. Out of forty five million people, in line with the official census, seventeen millions are Russians. There are regions, where only the Russian population lives, for instance, in the Crimea. 90% are Russians. Generally speaking, Ukraine is a very complicated state. Ukraine, in the form it currently exists, was created in the Soviet times, it received its territories from Poland – after the Second World war, from Czechoslovakia, from Romania – and at present not all the problems have been solved as yet in the border region with Romania in the Black Sea. Then, it received huge territories from Russia in the east and south of the country. It is a complicated state formation. If we introduce into it NATO problems, other problems, it may put the state on the verge of its existence. Complicated internal political problems are taking place there. We should act also very-very carefully. We do not have any right to veto, and, probably, we do not pretend to have. But I want that all of us, when deciding such issues, realize that we have there our interests as well. Well, seventeen million Russians currently live in Ukraine. Who may state that we do not have any interests there? South, the south of Ukraine, completely, there are only Russians.

The Crimea was merely received by Ukraine with the decision of the KPSS Political Bureau. There were not even any state procedures on transferring this territory. We have been calm and responsible about these problems. We are not trying to provoke anything, we have been acting very carefully, but we ask our partners to act reasonably as well. Besides, there was a call to act more actively on some directions of collaboration, let’s say, on Afghanistan. You know, I have just reminded Mr. Secretary General, when we talked with him tete-a-tete, that if our American friends managed to act rather effectively in Afghanistan and President Bush was very decisive and, on the whole, effective, I think the Afghan direction, without any doubt, is a success of the foreign policy of USA, in my opinion. But it happened also because we, Russia, have been supporting one-sidedly the so-called Northern Alliance for many years. We supplied them with a hundred millions of dollars of arms. It was the only real political and military force in Afghanistan, which, even pressed by the Taliban to the Tajik border, operated and formed the basis, which began battle actions against the Taliban at the territory.

It created a springboard for the international forces to enter this territory. We have been maintaining relations with Afghanistan, helping them restore their armed forces, supplying them with arms, spare parts, rendering humanitarian aid, training, and for a long time we have even provided the thing, which you could hardly imagine before – a transit not only by air, by also by land, for France, for the Federative Republic of Germany, and today Mr.Scheffer and our Foreign Minister signed a document on transit for the whole Organization of the North-Atlantic Treaty, about the transit of military cargo through our territory. Besides, if the discussion on your expansion issues developed differently yesterday, today’s transit agreement would not likely be signed.

But, considering that, nevertheless, as we understand, our concerns were heard somehow at last, we made decision for ourselves to not stop the collaboration on Afghanistan, but, to put it honestly, there was such a desire...

[source : Text of Putin’s speech at NATO Summit, UNIAN,, 18th April 2008]

Let's look at this:
We are not trying to provoke anything, we have been acting very carefully, but we ask our partners to act reasonably as well. Besides, there was a call to act more actively on some directions of collaboration, let’s say, on Afghanistan.

...We have been maintaining relations with Afghanistan, helping them restore their armed forces, supplying them with arms, spare parts, rendering humanitarian aid, training, and for a long time we have even provided the thing, which you could hardly imagine before – a transit not only by air, by also by land, for France, for the Federative Republic of Germany, and today Mr.Scheffer and our Foreign Minister signed a document on transit for the whole Organization of the North-Atlantic Treaty, about the transit of military cargo through our territory.

Russia agreed that NATO could use Russian airspace for transit to and from Afghanistan.

So what did Russia get in return?

A few months later, in the early hours of 8th August 2008, that mad bastard Mikhail Saakashvili decided to bomb the citizens of South Ossetia as they slept in their beds. This was a deliberate provocation of Russia by Georgia, perhaps to see what Putin would do, or even to trigger Georgia joining NATO. So how did Saakashvili come to power? The usual suspects: NED; Freedom House; Rothschild agent, George Soros.
Mihkail Saakashvili was deliberately placed in power in one of the most sophisticated US regime change operations, using ostensibly private NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) to create an atmosphere of popular protest against the existing regime of former Soviet Foreign Minister Edouard Shevardnadze, who was no longer useful to Washington when he began to make a deal with Moscow over energy pipelines and privatizations.

Saakashvili was brought to power in a US-engineered coup run on the ground by US-funded NGO’s, in an application of a new method of US destabilization of regimes it considered hostile to its foreign policy agenda. The November 24 2003 Wall Street Journal explicitly credited the toppling of Shevardnadze's regime to the operations of "a raft of non-governmental organizations . . . supported by American and other Western foundations." These NGOs, said the Journal, had "spawned a class of young, English-speaking intellectuals hungry for pro-Western reforms" who were instrumental laying the groundwork for a bloodless coup.

Coup by NGO

But there is more. The NGOs were coordinated by the US Ambassador to Georgia, Richard Miles, who had just arrived in Tbilisi fresh from success in orchestrating the CIA-backed toppling of Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade, using the same NGOs. Miles, who is believed to be an undercover intelligence specialist, supervised the Saakashvili coup.

It involved US billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Georgia Foundation. It involved the Washington-based Freedom House whose chairman was former CIA chief James Woolsey. It involved generous financing from the US Congress-financed National Endowment for Democracy, an agency created by Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s to “do privately what the CIA used to do,” namely coups against regimes the US Government finds unfriendly.

[source : The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili, F William Engdahl,, 12th August 2008]

Hmm. Soros. Now where have I heard that name before?

But what happened to Saakashvili? He is now in his beloved America but advising Ukraine how to become a vassal state of NATO.

And as for Ukraine, it just experienced the most blatant coup in history...if you can be arsed to look. The new PM in the junta receives NATO funds, he was hand-picked by Victoria Kagan-Nuland, and the new Minister of Finance was a former senior officer at the US Embassy in Kiev who managed funds for USAID (CIA) but somehow 'lost' those funds.

So that's how NATO treats Russia. Russia gave NATO open transit across Russia to get into and out of Afghanistan, and warned NATO that Ukraine and Georgia were a red line. So what does NATO do? In 2008 Georgia bombs civilians of South Ossetia in the beds in a blatant provocation of Russia to provoke demands for Georgia to join NATO, and in 2014 NATO supports neo-Nazis as they shoot protestors and police from The Conservatory to provoke a violent coup which has led to the junta blowing over 7000 civilians of East Ukraine to bits for opposing NATO Nazis!!

Just putting MH17 into some context. Without NATO expansion MH17 would not have been shot down by whatever brought it down.

So instead of Putin in the dock it should be Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

But as usual the likes of Higgins provoke demands for the prosecution of the rape victim for scratching the eyes of the rapist and letting the rapist off. In Syria the CIJA is preparing files to prosecute Assad for war crimes while ignoring Saudi Arabia, Israel and the USA (and France and the UK) who unleashed the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria to provoke the violence. And in Ukraine, after Putin held out a hand of friendship to NATO over transit to Afghanistan, NATO repays that friendship by running a violent neo-Nazi coup which has led to 7000 civilians of East Ukraine being blown to bits for opposing their NATO Nazism. Sadly MH17 got caught in the middle.

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