
Monday, July 20, 2015


I watched this morning:

Proof Abe Lincoln Was A Racist

So who is Pastor Chuck Baldwin?


And yet there he is on Infowars stating that the Confederate battle flag should be raised!?

Does anyone else find this a bit...weird?

Here is what Baldwin wrote just a few days before this appearance on Infowars: The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered

Baldwin pushes the states rights argument.

But the reasons for engineering, and the engineers, of the American Civil War can be found in Treason in America by Anton Chaitkin. It was Anglophile Boston families in league with British agent Giuseppe Mazzini who over a period of 2 decades drove a wedge between the north and the south over slavery. The purpose was to break the USA, i.e. the Union. Lincoln saw this and was prepared to preserve the union by any means. Now, Baldwin states that Lincoln offered an amendment to the south guaranteeing the preservation of slavery if the South did not secede. I assume that Baldwin is talking about the Corwin Amendment. The text of the amendment quoted by Baldwin is:
“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give Congress the power to abolish or interfere within any state with the domestic institutions thereof, including that a person's held to labor or service by laws of said State.”

This text can be found verbatim with 2 references on Wikipedia, one of which is the House of Representatives archives.

The order of secession from the Union was:
South Carolina: December 20, 1860

Mississippi: January 9, 1861

Florida: January 10, 1861

Alabama: January 11, 1861

Georgia: January 19, 1861

Louisiana: January 26, 1861

Texas: February 1, 1861

Virginia: April 17, 1861

Arkansas: May 6, 1861

North Carolina: May 20, 1861

Tennessee: June 8, 1861

Kentucky: Ordinance passed by people in 1861

Missouri: Ordinance passed, but not presented to people

The Corwin Amendment was passed on the 4th March 1861 and was sent out to the states for ratification. By that date seven states had already seceded. And those seven states who had already seceded did not vote to ratify the amendment!

Yet when you read the causes that those seven states gave for their secession, and the Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union you will find that they primarily and explicitly refer to slavery, the fourth article Section 2 Paragraph 3) of the Constitution of the United States, and fugitive slaves.

There is rarely any mention of tariffs, which is the reason DiLorenzo gives as the prime reason why the Confederate state seceded.

Here is what Baldwin asks:
Think, folks: why would the southern states secede from the Union over slavery when President Abraham Lincoln had offered an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the PRESERVATION of slavery? That makes no sense. If the issue was predominantly slavery, all the South needed to do was to go along with Lincoln, and his proposed 13th Amendment would have permanently preserved slavery among the southern (and northern) states. Does that sound like a body of people who were willing to lose hundreds of thousands of men on the battlefield over saving slavery? What nonsense!

OK. But before the Corwin Amendment had been passed seven of the Confederate states had already seceded...and they all gave slavery, not tariffs, as the reason they seceded!!

The truth is that the south was controlled by a British/Freemasonic conspiracy to try to split the Union and it was going to go to war no matter what. It was they who fell for the use of slavery as the cause, it was they who did not ratify the Corwin Amendment, and it was they who first fired on Fort Sumter, thus starting the war, a war they stood no chance in winning: they were outnumbered 5 to 1; they had a rural economy and relied on imports of military hardware much more than the north did; they were therefore at the mercy of a blockade; and Russia helped enforce that blockade, an act that would lead to decades of violent British intrigue against the Russian monarchy after the war, culminating in the Bolshevik revolution when the British Hofjuden infiltrated Trotsky and Lenin into Russia to kill the Romanovs.

But I am a little concerned that Infowars:
1. was (maybe still is) so pro-Andrew Jackson, when he was actually a treasonous, large scale slaveholding scumbag;
2. has taken up the cause of the Confederate battle flag by bringing on an inaccurate biased pro-Confederate to provide reasons why the Confederate battle flag should be raised, not lowered.

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