
Monday, July 20, 2015


Could we have expected little else than a pile of bullshit?

Roots of the problem

It begins – it must begin – by understanding the threat we face and why we face it. What we are fighting, in Islamist extremism, is an ideology. It is an extreme doctrine.

And like any extreme doctrine, it is subversive. At its furthest end it seeks to destroy nation-states to invent its own barbaric realm. And it often backs violence to achieve this aim – mostly violence against fellow Muslims – who don’t subscribe to its sick worldview.

But you don’t have to support violence to subscribe to certain intolerant ideas which create a climate in which extremists can flourish.

ideas which are hostile to basic liberal values such as democracy, freedom and sexual equality.

Ideas which actively promote discrimination, sectarianism and segregation.

Ideas – like those of the despicable far right – which privilege one identity to the detriment of the rights and freedoms of others.

And ideas also based on conspiracy: that Jews exercise malevolent power; or that Western powers, in concert with Israel, are deliberately humiliating Muslims, because they aim to destroy Islam. In this warped worldview, such conclusions are reached – that 9/11 was actually inspired by Mossad to provoke the invasion of Afghanistan; that British security services knew about 7/7, but didn’t do anything about it because they wanted to provoke an anti-Muslim backlash.

And like so many ideologies that have existed before – whether fascist or communist – many people, especially young people, are being drawn to it. We need to understand why it is proving so attractive.

Some argue it’s because of historic injustices and recent wars, or because of poverty and hardship. This argument, what I call the grievance justification, must be challenged.

So when people say “it’s because of the involvement in the Iraq War that people are attacking the West”, we should remind them: 9/11 – the biggest loss of life of British citizens in a terrorist attack – happened before the Iraq War.

When they say that these are wronged Muslims getting revenge on their Western wrongdoers, let’s remind them: from Kosovo to Somalia, countries like Britain have stepped in to save Muslim people from massacres – it’s groups like ISIL, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram that are the ones murdering Muslims.

Now others might say: it’s because terrorists are driven to their actions by poverty. But that ignores the fact that many of these terrorists have had the full advantages of prosperous families or a Western university education.

[source : Extremism: PM speech, Number 10,, 20th July 2015]

The clown! He forgot to mention The Covenant of Security!

Without this covenant many Islamist extremist organisations would not have been able to survive and thus propagate their extremism.

The clown! He forgot to mention General Wesley Clark!

9/11 was used to trigger a series of seven wars in North Africa and the Middle East that were supposed to take just 5 years. But by 2007 that plan was seriously behind schedule. So the Redirection was implemented.

The clown! He forgot to mention The Redirection!

The redirection was an agreement reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. This is why the 'rebels' in Syria are Saudi, French, British, American. We have been allowing, and even encouraging Muslims via preachers like Michael Adebalajo, potential jihadis to go to Syria to join Islamic State.

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