
Friday, October 09, 2015


On the 14th July 2014 two significant events occured:

1. The Ukraine Security Service stated that a BUK had entered separatist controlled territory.

2. Later that day a Ukraine Air Force Antonov AN-26 was shot down as it approached Luhansk airport, and the separatists claimed they had shot it down with a BUK missile;

But for some reason, and despite several major air passenger carriers such as British Airways avoiding East Ukraine, the Ukraine authorities allowed passenger aircraft to fly over East Ukraine.

Then on 17th July 2014, just as MH17 was falling out of the sky, the spokesman for the then neo-Nazi Ukraine National Security Council, Andrei Lysenko, stated, and apparently unaware that MH17 had been hit, that Ukraine had a video of the separatists with a BUK.

Shortly after MH17 crashed to the ground, the Ukraine Security Service released a rather amateurish attempt to frame the separatists and Russia by releasing a tape cobbled together from earlier alleged intercepted phone calls, which the Ukraine Security Service claimed proved 100% that Cossacks at Chernukino had shot down MH17 with a BUK (I believe that these tapes refer to the aforementioned Antonov An-26).

The next day, 18th July, in another attempt to frame the separatists, the Ukraine Security Service released yet another tape showing a BUK with a missing missile. The location of the video was traced to Luhansk. But which part of Luhansk? The BUK was filmed travelling on a suburban road in the South West of Luhansk in a South East direction. And the time was stated as 0500 on the 18th July 2014. Was this the video that Lysenko had referred to the previous day? I asked the MH17 JIT to investigate this months ago, so far without reply other than they are looking into it.

On 19th July, Ukraine published a photo of a BUK on a low carrier, stating that that was the BUK that shot down MH17 and that the photo showed it on its way back to Russia. This was quickly laughed off as yet another Ukraine hoax when it was pointed out that the BUK shown was actually Ukrainian and the photo was taken in March!!

Also on the 19th July Ukraine stated that the BUK that shot down MH17 had entered Russia at 0200 on the morning of 18th July. But how can that be if it was allegedly filmed in Luhansk at 0500 on 18th July?

So what we have here are:
1. an attempt to hide the fact that Ukraine knew the separatists had BUKs by 14th July but Ukraine did not shut down its airspace in East Ukraine, despite major carriers like British Airways deciding that the space was too dangerous and flew around the war zone;
2. an attempt to implicate Cossacks at Chernukino through an amateurishly cobbled together tape of alleged intercepted phone calls recorded days earlier (which I believe refer to the Antonov An-26 of 14th July);
3. an admission, before Lysenko knew that MH17 had been shot down, that Ukraine had a video of the separatists with a BUK;
4. a video released the day after MH17 showing a BUK with a missing missile, but this video could be the video that Lysenko had referred and was thus filmed before MH17 (and I believe was the BUK that brought down the Antonov An-26);
5. an attempt to again hoodwink the general public by claiming that a photo of a Ukraine BUK in March was actually a Russian BUK that shot down MH17 in July;
6. a complete contradiction from Ukraine in that Naida claims that the BUK that shot down MH17 was back in Russia by 0200 on 18th July, yet Ukraine had earlier claimed, with video, that the BUK that shot down MH17 was in Luhansk at 0500.

And then we have the multiple launch sites (all based on statements from anonymous 'eyewitnesses'), mysterious photographers (some unnamed and some connected to the Ukraine Security Service) providing photographs but not the underlying raw data.

And then to top it all off, the US State Dept providing an image, possibly produced by a school child, of two coloured lines intercepting somewhere over East Ukraine, but again not the underlying raw data allegedly collected from 'sensors'.

But the video of the BUK with missing missile was hammered by Belling Cat as their prime evidence that Russia shot down MH17. But if Lysenko was telling the truth (that on 17th July 2014 Ukraine did have a video of the separatists with a BUK), then was the video of a BUK with missing missile released on 18th July the same video that Lysenko referred to on 17th July?

And if not, then why have Ukraine not released the video that Lysenko was actually referring to?

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