
Saturday, October 10, 2015


The current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, has admitted that the EU exports terrorism.

Well, of course we do, love.

After all, we are the home of NATO's Operation Gladio.

And the EU is exporting terror as part of the plan for war and regime change in seven countries five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11.

You see, the USA and its allies thought that it would be a cake walk to use 9/11 as a pretext for war and regime change in countries that had nothing to do with 9/11.

But they got bogged down in Iraq. And Israel's engineered war on Hezbollah didn't go so well either.

So in 2007 the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. The US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring in order to provide these Jihadis with cover as 'freedom fighters' so that their NATO/Zionist/Gulf state paymasters could provide them with political, logistical and military support.

But where would these Jihadis come from?

And how could they be encouraged to join this Jihad?

In the UK there has been a Covenant of Security between the Jihadis and MI5. But in 2013 a Jihadi preacher called Michael Adebalajo tried to saw the head off a British soldier, Lee Rigby. But it was revealed by members of the public shortly after that during the weeks before this horrific attack Adebalajo had been preaching Jihad against Assad in Woolwich. But not only that, he was allowed to do this while MI5 were trying to recruit him as a double agent!!

You can bet that there are corrupt cells in NATO intelligence services doing the the same or similar in their respective nations too to provide fresh Jihadi meat for the terrorist factory.

How can it be possible for so many foreigners to go to Syria via NATO member Turkey to join the Jihad against Assad?

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