
Tuesday, November 10, 2015


So in the last year or so:
1. Russia is accused of destabilising East Europe when it was in fact NATO who, against their founding principles, supported neo-Nazis as they shot protestors and policemen and set Kiev on fire to eventually chase out a legitimately elected government which was replaced by a hand-picked NATO puppet, Arseny Yastenyuk and his neo-Nazi junta;
2. there have been allegations that Russia's bid to host the 2018 World Cup was corrupt, with the head of FIFA forced out by the FBI, of all people;
3. then a founding member of NATO the Netherlands who wants Ukraine as a member of NATO, is placed in charge of investigating the crash of MH17, and relies for evidence on a suspect in the case, Ukraine, who now wants to become a member of NATO thanks to the aforementioned NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine;
4. then a Russian passenger aircraft is allegedly blown up by Islamic State in retaliation for Russia bombing Islamic State, just over a month after Russia began bombing Islamic State and NATO's other proxy cutthroat Jihadis, even though NATO's intelligence department, Bellingcat, say Russia has not been bombing Islamic State, and NATO and its allies have been bombing Islamic State for over a year without any retaliation from Islamic State;
5. now, based on anonymous sources, Russia is accused of massive doping.

This hasn't got anything to do with Putin blocking, albeit belatedly, the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark for war and regime change in seven countries in five years which has currently been stalled in Syria for 4 years, has it?

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