
Monday, December 28, 2015


Just to clarify my situation:

1. I believe that if it can be proved in a court of law that no loan or mortgage is legally bound to be repaid then this is a massive victory for the ordinary man and woman in the street, and could be used to stop all this shit;
2. but do you really need to go to court to prove this?
3. but if someone can prove this then such a person can also use this knowledge for their own private gain by using it to blackmail banks into cancelling only their loans and mortgages and those of their family and friends, and not use that knowldege for the benefit of mankind as a whole;
4. I honestly believed that The Bolton Monarchy could help me prove this;
5. but they instead treat me like a piece of shit and refuse to offer to help;
6. thus I am highly suspicious that they intend to use everything I have sent them for their own private gain and do as suggested in point 3 above.

I have a loan from a decade ago, and have not made any repayment for years, and have been expecting to be taken to court for it to be recovered, but as yet I have not been, when I could make my arguments in court.

I need to know my precise legal situation.

My inspiration for this idea was provided in Des Griffin's Fourth Reich of the Rich, in which there is a section on a bloke who claimed that his mortgage was null and void. He won. But the judge was murdered, and so was he, if I remember correctly.

But that was in the USA.

I am in the UK.

Thus different laws apply.

Now, imagine if it could be proved in a court of law that we owe absolutely nothing?

The system would collapse, or there could be some kind of agreement reached between us and them: for them to stop their warmongering and begin a transition to a much more representative and democractic system of government.

That is what I want.

We all know how the money system works. It is treason against humanity.

But this is what I am prepared to do.

Who else will put their money where their mouth is?

So who wants to help? (Teachers need not apply, for they have shown themselves to be totally unreliable and untrustworthy).

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